URGENT:Today is Last Day To Drop out of Classes,my bio prof said that withdrawing is bad for premeds

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May 16, 2016
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I need to make a decision ASAP to withdraw from my intro bio class. I may get a B in my gen chem 2 course this semester (and I'm fine with that). I'm stuck with getting a C in intro Bio 2 and I am debating if I should drop it (withdraw) or just take the C. I already have a C in intro to bio 1 & a C in gen chem 1 (summer school courses, ugh) and I do not want a 3rd C to go on my transcript.

My bio prof was trying to talk me out of it. He said "dropping out of classes looks bad to med schools admissions. Retaking the course would be more beneficial or just taking the C and getting an A in genetics next semester." He claims that he got this info from a med school administrator (for Washington Uni Med School-St Louis) who works in the bio department of my uni. I don't know if I should listen to him or not. I kind of got that vibe that he just didn't want me to drop out so his class population doesn't decrease.


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I am a premed, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I was always advised to never withdraw and that one "C" is not the end of the world

Also having withdraws can come across as you trying to protect your GPA and may look bad to adcoms and that you're worried about your grades a lot/the typical gunner premed (what I've been told)
I withdrew from 2 classes. I got an F (in quantum mechanics, which I retook later and got an A but still). I have 2 C+s and a D- (in physics classes). My gpa is 3.44. I ****ed up early on, but later in my career I killed it. Honestly, with all of these C's you need to change something. Rearrange your study habits, retake a course or two, fix what you are doing because it is not working. I'm gonna be honest, its gonna be hard for you to get in. You're gonna need to kill the MCAT. You are going to need to show an upward trajectory in your classes. But you can do it if you want it bad enough. I currently am applying and have two interviews (both in December) by the skin of my teeth, with 14 schools left to hear back from.
Honestly though, its not gonna look good to withdraw and its not gonna look good to have another C. You may have to explain them in your secondaries. But it isn't going to kill you. What will kill you is not turning things around. This decision, I promise, does not really matter in the big scheme of things. Just get your **** together and do better next semester (tough love, man) and the semester after that and the semester after that. Kill your MCAT. Get in some good ECs.

I believe in you.
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Why are you stuck with getting the C? Is there no way to boost it up at least to a B- with the final exam?

He is probably correct in that a withdraw looks very bad to adcoms. However, a C is not really much better without a proper explanation or trend over time away from those types of grades, especially in core science classes. One C won't kill your application forever, but with this many poor performances in core science classes I think you need to evaluate how serious you are about medical school.

Take it from someone who was in even worse shape freshman year. You need to show adcoms that you can handle med school, so work hard from now on whichever way you decide. You will need to rock your future grades / MCAT / ECs, but it's all achievable. Stay strong.
One withdrawal is not going to sink your app, but a low GPA might. Cs can really pull you down especially if you're not killing your other classes, which appears to be the case
One withdrawal is not going to sink your app, but a low GPA might. Cs can really pull you down especially if you're not killing your other classes, which appears to be the case
Totally agree. I think OP should withdraw. Just make sure that you work VERY VERY hard when you retake the course. You should also ace the upper level bio (biochem/genetics/physiology etc) to prove to the adcom that you can succeed in med school classes.
I screwed up Gen Chem I in my freshman year and I ended up withdrawing, but then I got an A when I took it again. I also worked my ass off to get A's in GChemII and OChem 1/2. I don't think the W on my transcript has impacted my MS application at all since I have received 4 IIs.
It will matter for sure. Although, it won't matter at every school. You can have 5+ W's and have good interview results. Don't panic, do what you think will provide you with the strongest education and move forward as a better student having learned from the scenario and/or mistake.

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I need to make a decision ASAP to withdraw from my intro bio class. I may get a B in my gen chem 2 course this semester (and I'm fine with that). I'm stuck with getting a C in intro Bio 2 and I am debating if I should drop it (withdraw) or just take the C. I already have a C in intro to bio 1 & a C in gen chem 1 (summer school courses, ugh) and I do not want a 3rd C to go on my transcript.

My bio prof was trying to talk me out of it. He said "dropping out of classes looks bad to med schools admissions. Retaking the course would be more beneficial or just taking the C and getting an A in genetics next semester." He claims that he got this info from a med school administrator (for Washington Uni Med School-St Louis) who works in the bio department of my uni. I don't know if I should listen to him or not. I kind of got that vibe that he just didn't want me to drop out so his class population doesn't decrease.

Withdrawing is better than a bad grade. Definitely.