WesternU (Pomona) vs KCU (Kansas City campus)

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WesternU (Pomona) vs KCU (Kansas City campus)

  • WesternU

  • KCU

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New Member
Oct 31, 2024
Reaction score
I'm a SoCal resident and need help deciding between these schools!
I know that being close to home (45 minutes) is a big plus but I also know that KCU is considered one of the best DO schools..
Thank you all!

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DO schools all more or less the same. Granted they are not brand new or for-profit. Do you think you would be happy living Missouri?
I believe both are strong programs and you can be successful at either. You'll save ~40k going to KCU, but personally I would doubt whether that's worth giving up such convenient access to your support network.