What are my chances? Haven't taken the MCAT yet..International stud.

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2+ Year Member
Oct 21, 2018
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Hey everyone,

I just wanted to see if I have a chance of getting into a MD program? I will be applying next year so I haven't taken the mcat yet.
My cGPA right now is 3.93 (can change) sGPA 3.83 (can change). I am an international student, community college transfer and now in a UC.
ExtraC: Dancer: Choreographed many pieces for dance concerts and other school functions, Phi-beta honors society member, Psychology club member, Vice-president and historian of Psych club, President and Historian of Psi-beta honors society, 100+hours volunteering at a hospital's Rehabilitation department, 100+hours of interning at a Pharmacy, did fundraising for animal shelter, 50+ hours of volunteer tutoring, RA of addictions lab specializing in CBT for AUD (will be ongoing till I graduate), prospective shadowing experience starting October. Plus I am a psych major, living in California.

How does my app look for right now? What should I do to strengthen my application apart from the MCAT. Any advice is appreciated thank you!

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And really pursue that shadowing and move it from prospective to completed. Make sure some of it is with a primary care doc.
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Get 30+ hrs of shadowing is fine.

Rack up as many hours as you can in one volunteering area, clinical or non clinical is fine. This helps with service secondaries and having something to talk about that you’re passionate in.

Get a year in research done if possible.

Kill the MCAT.

With these 4 things you’ll be very competitive.
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Add more clinical volunteering and shadowing and with a good MCAT you'll do great. Good luck!