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5+ Year Member
Mar 1, 2017
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I am a URM and come from low socioeconomicbackground (parents supported a family of 5 on $30,000 annual salary), First Generation college student. Florida Resident.

I graduated HS with 96 college credits ( earning an A.A in Pre-medical Science from Community College) 3.8 GPA

I graduated from JHU B.S in Neuroscience. 3.02 GPA (upward trend, took straight upper level science courses since freshmen year)

Was accepted into JHU MHS program, and the Boston Special Masters Program chose Hopkins based on financial reasons

Currently getting an MHS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology concentrating in Cancer & Reproductive Biology 3.8GPA
- Have taken science heavy courses such as Immunology I & II, Molecular Toxicology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Cancer Biology, Reproductive Physiology, Virology, Nutrition, Genetics & Gene Therapy, Genome Integrity, Nucleic Acid Chemistry . . . so on)

Overall: undergrad GPA = 3.27
Overall: undergrad Science GPA = 3.17

MCAT First Time: 501
MCAT Second Time: 520

I have Shadowed 4 doctors/or surgeons = around 260 hrs total (200 are from 1 doctor who I have also been working on a patient database that will be part of a publication soon)

Health Related Volunteering = 110 hrs total (mostly at JHU Children's Center as well as a Free Health clinic for the homeless)

Non Clinical Volunteering = around 202 hrs
Community Service Fraternity - mostly focused on tutoring inner city kids
ECHO Seed Farm - generates agricultural techniques to teach those in other countries to help them grow food more efficiently
Several other Volunteer events spread out through my 4 years at JHU

Research Experience = 1800 hrs (worked 10hrs a week during school and full time during breaks)
3 different labs (1 lab for the past year)
1 Publication in review and contributing to 3 other projects that will be submitted for review in a couple months (fingers crossed). I frequently give presentations in the lab and have also presented for an important project which is a collaboration between the Wilmer eye institute and Bayer pharmaceutical. I have also been in charge of teaching laboratory techniques to HS interns in the lab as well as incoming undergrad and graduate students

I founded a Cultural Dance Group at Johns Hopkins

Have 3 Solid Recommendation letters (Science Professor [took a course with him every year at JHU], PI from lab I've been at for the past year, Doctor Shadowed (the one that I've shadowed over 200 hours and will publish a paper with). Possibly another Letter from my MHS Thesis adivosor who I also had a class with. I will also have a committee letter from Johns Hopkins University

Also I will be publishing my Masters Thesis which is a Scientific literature review on Immunotherapies and Colorectal Cancer

What are my chances what schools should I apply to.

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