What is one question that you wish you could ask your Attending about his/her specialty but you know you NEVER could ??? :)

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Jan 28, 2002
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What is one question that you wish you could ask your Attending about his/her specialty but you know you NEVER could but would really help you understand/ decide on whether or not to pursue that specialty?

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Surgery: Do you ever get tired of the all blood and guts and sh@t everywhere?
Surgery: Do you ever get tired of the all blood and guts and sh@t everywhere?

Meh, You can ask us that.
No, we are used to it and the usual stuff doesn't bother us.
FWIW, It's the smell of dead tissue that gets to me, like fournier's and trench foot. Thankfully those cases are not that common.
My friend once asked a pediatrician in the ICU about how they deal with kids dying. They said they just said, “It isn’t fair, is it?” When my friend was trying to hide tears about a patient. They concluded there aren’t always good answers to some questions.