Medical What schools should i apply to?

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Jun 11, 2010
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Hello, I'm wondering if my school list is too top heavy and I should add some lower shools, or you think this is reasonable given my resume
Stats: 3.99 cumulative GPA, 4.0 science GPA, 518 MCAT (not a well known institution at all)
Clinical Exposure: over 1500 hours as a CNA at various assited livings
Shadowing: 128 hours total, 94 with a private family medicine M.D., 26 with a ER D.O. doc, and 8 with a orthopedic surgeon D.O.
Research: One semester long research on attribtues of successful phisiology students, a 2 semester long research on memory retention in anatomy students. Research as part of a class lab into finding new antibiotics (one semester). Research as part of a lab and now continuing as a T.A. using estrogen to fix parkonsonism in rats.
(no publications)
Leadership: a year as the pre-medical society president, two semesters setting up and leading a mentoring program in our pre-med society, two semesters as a neurobiolgy T.A. One semester as a team lead for that 2 semester retention research I mentioned earlier.
Volunteering: 4 semesters tutoring biology in a drop in lab, 2 semesters tutoring chemistry in a drop in lab. 2 years as a CASA (guardian ad litem) volunteer: gather info and write reports for judges in best interest of child in child protective cases. 9 months working to recruit healthcare professionals for a 2 day free medical/dental/vision clinic in the rural area where I go to school. (about 250 hours total)
I also served a two year ecclisiastical mission for my church in Bulgaria. The main purpose was teaching my faith but we did community service as well such as teaching english classes. I'm wondering if I should add the service aspect to my work and activities at all or if schools will look down on anything affiliated with a religious activity.

Here is my school list: (I am a Utah Resident)

Boston University
Johns Hopkins
Ohio State
Pennsyvania State University College of Medicine
Saint Louis University School of Medicine
Arizona - Pheonix
UC San Diego
University of Utah
University of Colorado
Univesrity of Indiana (my wife's family lives here)
U of Michigin
Wake Forest
UC San Francisco
Albert Einstein
University of Chicago
University of Miami

Note: I'm poor (not disadvantaged status or anything) and I'm part of the FEE assistance program and so if I could get it down to 20 schools that would be optimal, but if you think I have a shot at all these, i'll find a way.
Delete Penn State, Wake, IU, U AZ.

Will give list later

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Nice app! IMO, would add a few more lower-mid tiers to make sure you get accepted somewhere, but I think you have a good shot.
I agree with this. Just make sure you have a good balance--you're highly competitive, but pick 7-9 "dream" high-tier schools, and then pepper in a bunch of more mid-tiers
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Stanford OR UCSF
UCLA OR UC San Diego
Boston University
U Penn OR Vandy
Johns Hopkins
Ohio State OR U Cincy
Saint Louis University School of Medicine OR NYU.LI
University of Utah
University of Colorado OR U VM OR U WI OR USF/Morsani
U of Michigin OR U VA
Cornell OR Columbia
Yale OR Harvard
Albert Einstein OR Keck
University of Chicago OR Northwestern
Duke OR Pitt OR Sinai
Emory OR Rochester
My suggestions for 20 schools
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