What schools to apply to as a canadian?

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Jul 31, 2016
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Hello guys,

I am a Canadian student (UofT - Human Bio major) applying to American Dental schools. What Canadian-friendly schools should I be applying to?

I have just finished my American DAT (24AA, 25TS, 21PAT), with a 4.0 GPA (thanks to the CAD->USD conversion), 100+ hours of shadowing general dentists, 100+ community hours and 3 different research (1 Dental related) positions throughout my college career.

I realize that some schools might not be accepting Canadian DATs, but would the American DAT help me in anyway?

The Schools I am currently looking to apply to are:

Any other school suggestions is appreciated!
PS. What do you guys think my chances of getting into the mentioned schools are?

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Very good chance at Boston and NYU. Harvard is unpredictable. Upenn and Columbia decent chances too I would say. You did insanely well on the DAT and your GPA is flawless lol
Try applying to University of Detroit Mercy, I know alot of Canadians that go there. It's my top choice right now.
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Add UDM to that list. They accept the largest pool of Canadians and its the closest school to Canada. My friend goes there and he comes back to Toronto every weekend. As for NYU be prepared to have 130k+ every year to pull out every year, I heard its insanely expensive gong there.