What should I add to my DAT prep?

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Jan 18, 2017
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Hi guys. I'm planning to take my DAT in May, so I have roughly 3 months of prep. I've accumulated a bunch of study books, tests, etc.. and was wondering if I'm missing anything or if I actually wont have time to go through all of it. Also, what should I focus on first and what should I do later?

BIO: 1a) CliffAP(3rd edit) and Feralis. 1b) If I have time, DAT Destroyer BIO and Chads 2)Bootcamp tests
OChem+ Chem: 1) Chads 2) DAT Destroyer
QR: 1) Math Destroyer 2) Chads 3) Bootcamp tests
PAT: 1) CracktheDATPAT 2)Bootcamp tests
RC: DAT Destroyer + Bootcamp but thats all I have..

I also have the Kaplan Blue Book.

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Looks good, now get to it!

I would recommend you look through the breakdowns here in this forum to get some study ideas. IMO, I would start with biology, since it is the widest in scope of all the subjects on the DAT. You'll need all the time you can get to cover the material.
I agree with starting on the bio section as it can be a bit of monster to tackle. As for the other materials I would start with Chad's. This should give you a refresher before you start on the other which tend to be practice questions and assume that you have the knowledge already.
For Bio (if you have extra money) I would HIGHLY recommend DAT Qvault. Honestly I hardly reviewed for Bio really but I credit my Bio score to taking numerous practice Bio exams (15 total). Getting a feel for Bio questions is key. Plus, after you've answered literally like 600 Bio questions, you've pretty much been exposed to every topic they can test you on, which is why it's good to take practice Bio tests.