Which Address to Mail it out From

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Jun 23, 2008
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One of my professors just completed a LOR for me via a hard copy instead of electronically. He has given me the letter and the evaluation form and on the form it states that Pharmcas will not accept letters which are mailed by the applicant. Does this mean that the evaluator needs to send it out himself from his house address? Or does he mail it out from the school's or departmental address?

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the evaluator probably needs to write down the mailing address for which he uses to check his mail.
One of my professors just completed a LOR for me via a hard copy instead of electronically. He has given me the letter and the evaluation form and on the form it states that Pharmcas will not accept letters which are mailed by the applicant. Does this mean that the evaluator needs to send it out himself from his house address? Or does he mail it out from the school's or departmental address?

Address the envelope to PharmCAS. Put stamps on it. Bring it back to him and tell him that he has to fill out the return address and put it in the mail. Easy peasy. I'm sure it'll be no problem.
Address the envelope to PharmCAS. Put stamps on it. Bring it back to him and tell him that he has to fill out the return address and put it in the mail. Easy peasy. I'm sure it'll be no problem.

But is the return address his house address or the department's address?