Which airport is closer/convenient to Baystate?

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Mar 27, 2003
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It seems like Hartford is closer but can i easily get to Springfield from there? How does that compare to getting to Springfield from Boston airport? Thanks.

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Springfield is over 2 hours from Boston, and add another 1/2 hour at least for the airport. Springfield has an airport if you want to make a connecting flight.

Hartford is just down I-91 from Springfield. Easy trip.
yaah said:
Springfield is over 2 hours from Boston, and add another 1/2 hour at least for the airport. Springfield has an airport if you want to make a connecting flight.

Hartford is just down I-91 from Springfield. Easy trip.

I wasn't sure if there is an airport in Springfield. Thanks a lot.
I flew in/out of Bradley (Hartford) last week. It's a nice airport, but their security is INSANE! An underwire bra that has never set anything off before (at THREE other airports) caused me to have to strip to a camisole, skirt, and pantyhose (they didn't make me remove my panties, but yes on the bra). They kept asking if I had implanted medical devices (duh, it's the BRA). Reminds me of the time that a gum wrapped set off an alarm and resulted in (again) me being searched. SO, prepare for a LONG wait in the lines (they search LOTS of people).
Bradley is the metro airport for Springfield. It is north of Hartford, thus closer to Springfield. Probably a 20-25 minute trip to Baystate. It would be at least an hour and 45 minutes from Logan, and you'll fight mad traffic from there. You should definitely fly into Bradley.
GeneGoddess said:
I flew in/out of Bradley (Hartford) last week. It's a nice airport, but their security is INSANE! An underwire bra that has never set anything off before (at THREE other airports) caused me to have to strip to a camisole, skirt, and pantyhose (they didn't make me remove my panties, but yes on the bra). They kept asking if I had implanted medical devices (duh, it's the BRA). Reminds me of the time that a gum wrapped set off an alarm and resulted in (again) me being searched. SO, prepare for a LONG wait in the lines (they search LOTS of people).
That's very weird....I was just there and thought Bradley was a very lax airport regarding security...and no problems with underwires setting off the metal detectors either. Very small airport!

Bradley/Hartford is very close to Springfield...easily less than a half hour by car, plus no Boston traffic to deal with.