Worst admissions staff in the country.

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April 29th, 2012:
I feel like if I post here, I will leave my own mark that will be preserved into the future. So here goes!

If you are reading this in 2016, you win. 😀

April 30th, 2013:
Wow, it's been a year and a day since I last posted in here. Sounds like that nurse will regret instilling a grudge in you. 😀

May 9th, 2014:
April 29th, 2012

April 30th, 2013

Eh...sorta a year anniversary. Hehehe

May 10th, 2015:
Hey, it's now May 10th, 2015! Yay anniversary bump!

Missed last year because I forgot, but hey April 30th, 2017! Not bad?

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April 29th, 2012:

April 30th, 2013:

May 9th, 2014:

May 10th, 2015:

Missed last year because I forgot, but hey April 30th, 2017! Not bad?
I really appreciate your dedication to spreading the good word 🙂
The hilarious part is that you feel the need to try and validate yourself to college students. Why do you need to attempt to get our affirmation?

Oh, right - the huge ass ego and lack of self-esteem. I forgot.

I still love it that Nick Naylor spent years trashing me and stereotyping me because of this thread and then he ended up in Psychiatry. It's like the ultimate revenge. I mean, how does one get a huge ego AND a lack of self esteem? Are those not mutually exclusive?? Hopefully he has covered that in residency by now.
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I still love it that Nick Naylor spent years trashing me and stereotyping me because of this thread and then he ended up in Psychiatry. It's like the ultimate revenge. I mean, how does one get a huge ego AND a lack of self esteem? Are those not mutually exclusive?? Hopefully he has covered that in residency by now.
Aren't we bitter.
Rosy F. I applied there earlier in the cycle and just never heard anything back after submitting (and paying for!) the secondary.
Closing thread. While this thread has had a long life, several reports originating from this thread has led to its close. Under the new guidelines, we are trying to minimize off topic threads and unprofessional behavior in the professional forums. In particular, it is not appropriate to use the platform of a popular thread for the sake of trolling, insulting, or calling out other members.

Update 05/28/17:
After further deliberation we have decided to keep the thread closed.
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