John Hopkins vs. Tufts vs. Bryn Mawr vs. Temple vs. Vermont

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S.D.N. Vet
7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Mar 23, 2003
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Has anyone taken the following post-bac premed programs? If so, I'd appreciate insight on how good (or not) these programs are, and if they are worth the money:

John Hopkins


Bryn Mawr



Is there a "best" out the of the above list? Thanks.


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Disclosure: I did the Bryn Mawr Program

Bryn Mawr is the oldest and one of, if not the, most respected programs. Other highly respected programs include Penn and Columbia. Goucher is also considered very good. I can really only speak to Bryn Mawr. Its program is quick, you can get everything done in one summer and an academic year. It is extremely rigorous, e.g. comparable to 1st year of med school. Taking Bio, Physics and Orgo all at once will all of the labs will keep you busy. The advising is excellent. The program is well respected. The year before I finished, 6 Bryn Mawr post-baccers went to UCSF! The admissions standards a very high. You need good undergrad grades and test scores. Bascially, they won't take you unless they feel you will get into med school. Only real down side is the cost.

I can answer more specific questions if you have them.

Bryn Mawr happens to be my first choice so far. I have lots of questions, but the most important is:

What kind of stats do I need to get into Bryn Mawr's post-bac program?

Here's a quick overview about me:
* I have a 3.3-3.4ish GPA, English major.
* I haven't taken any of the sciences.
* I am in my third year.
* I don't want to be a medical doctor, I wish to apply to dental school.

What scores do I need on the GRE? What activities will help me get accepted? Anything info will help. I'm glad I met you. See ya. 😎

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I did Temple's post bac (as did at least 3 of my classmates) and am now a 2nd year at Temple Med, it worked for me.

I have a friend that's at Temple Med (I think 2nd year...tho I could be wrong...maybe 1st?) She's an Ethiopian girl and her name is Judit. Do you know her???
I did the Bryn Mawr post bacc program-- I'd recommend. My sister has friends doing the one at UVM and supposedly it is very unstructured. The one at Bryn Mawr is very organized, and even has link programs where you can bypass the whole agony and wait to get into med school. There were a couple pre=dental people there who got into top dental schools.
how do linkages work? is it hard to get into linkage schools?
Generally, you need to keep a certain GPA at Bryn Mawr postbacc program (between 3.3 and 3.5 depending on the school). Some schools require a 27 on the MCAT (total) and some schools don't require the MCAT at all (Dartmouth, U Rochester and Brown). The acceptance rate I think off hand is generally EXCELLENT (maybe around 50-70% compared with 8-10%!) I think this info is available on the website. For that reason alone Bryn Mawr offers great advantages. There are a lot of other really good reasons to go. one of the downsides is that it is a costly school! The other good think about BMC is that you are graded on the undergrad curve, so in a given class, if all the post baccs get A's on an exam, then that's okay. The postbaccs are not curved, so there is very little competition between students, which is great. no weird sabbatoge that one hears so much about in other pre med programs.
what is Bryn's acceptance standards?
I'm not sure, actually. They seem to take all types. But it is rolling admission, so if you want to start next summer I'd apply now. I applied in mid october, and then you find out really early too.
what school do you attend now, paw?
taking "glide" year -- did not do link program. btw, bryn mawr post bacc sends people to good dental schools ie: one girl went to upenn from my year...
Cool... any other good Post Bac programs not listed in this thread?