*** 2013-2014 MD/PhD Application Interview Invites ***

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☮, ♥, & ♫
10+ Year Member
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
It's that time of year again 🙂
I'm applying this cycle and I thought I'd get this thread started. If anyone has an MD/PhD interview invite, feel free to list it here.

Good luck to everyone. :luck:

1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews 🙂

University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: ?);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date[/quote]

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How did you get an II without being complete? 😕
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2) delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews 🙂

University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: ?);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date[/quote]
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Members don't see this ad :)
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews 🙂

University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: ?);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews 🙂

University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews 🙂

Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
Can you guys also post your stats? Have been verified a week back. Haven't heard from Univ of TexasHSCSA yet? Do I still have a chance?
Can you guys also post your stats? Have been verified a week back. Haven't heard from Univ of TexasHSCSA yet? Do I still have a chance?

I am sure there are still plenty more invites yet to go out (btw: 34/3.6 w/strong research)
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2) delete the "
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3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh-leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh-leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23)
Washington University- premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
Members don't see this ad :)
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date[/quote]
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1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?);
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Indiana University - mooser0956 (C:7/12, II8/9, I:TBD)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Indiana University - mooser0956 (C:7/12, II8/9, I:TBD)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?) ; Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:?)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Indiana University - mooser0956 (C:7/12, II8/9, I:TBD)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?) ; Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:?)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Indiana University - mooser0956 (C:7/12, II8/9, I:TBD)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the quote tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:?);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II8/9, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date[/quote]
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1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:?);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II8/9, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:?);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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Is Washington University WUSTL? Because they didn't give out any interviews until september last year...
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: ?);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: ?); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: ?); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul(C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90(C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul(C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: ~10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: ?); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: ~7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28);

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date[/quote]
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)

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II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)

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II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date[/quote]
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date[/quote]
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
Medical University of South Carolina - Reckoner (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); Reckoner (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4);
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Texas Southwestern - Reckoner (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
Medical University of South Carolina - dcol27 (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4);
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Texas Southwestern - dcol27 (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
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" tags on the top and bottom
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4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
Medical University of South Carolina - dcol27 (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4);
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Texas Southwestern - dcol27 (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15)
C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
Medical University of South Carolina - dcol27 (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4);
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Texas Southwestern - dcol27 (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6)
C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
Medical University of South Carolina - dcol27 (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4);
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Texas Southwestern - dcol27 (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27);
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6), TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6).
C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "
" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
Medical University of South Carolina - dcol27 (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Texas Southwestern - dcol27 (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15)
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6), TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6).
C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date
1) click quote on the most recent list
2) delete the "quote" tags on the top and bottom
3) add your user name, ( complete date, interview invite date, interview date, any other pertinent info, and if needed, add the school name to the list
4) Enter the name(s) of the school(s) where you are adding data into the "Title" box (at the top) so that your changes can be easily located.
5) Enter Submit and prepare for your interviews

Case Western Reserve - plumazul (C: 7/20, II: 8/7, I: ?); Solarium90 (C: 7/9,II: 8/10, I:9/26);
Columbia University - plumazul (C: 7/13, II: 8/23, I: 10/23); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/23, I: 10/8);
Indiana University- mooser0956 (C:7/12, II: 8/9, I:TBD); regeneration (C:7/11, II: 8/12, I:TBD);
Medical University of South Carolina - dcol27 (C: 8/8, II: 8/23, I: 10/11);
Johns Hopkins - plumazul (C: 7/23, II: 8/29, I: ?);
NYU - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); dcol27 (C: 7/17, II: 8/13, I: 10/4); BigFatCat (C: 8/1, II: 8/28, I: 10/18)
Ohio State University - Solarium90(C: 7/9, II:8/14, I: 10/10);
Robert Wood Johnson - pittpanther (C: ~7/23, II:8/9 I:9/16)
Rochester University - regeneration (C: ~7/19, II:8/23 I:9/26)
Stanford - NigelVermooth (C: 8/3, II: 8/15, I:10/2-3);quebaldy (C:8/4, II: 8/15, I: 10/2-3)
Texas A&M HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/1, II: 7/29, I: 9/11-12);
Texas Tech HSC - NigelVermooth (C: 7/18, II: 8/19, I: 9/6);
Tri-Institutional(C/R/SK) - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 8/21, I: 10/31); Solarium90 (C: 7/4, II: 8/21, I: 10/31);
University of Chicago Pritzker - plumazul (C: 7/15, II: 7/23, I: 10/8-9); NigelVermooth (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-9); quebaldy (C: 7/22, II 7/26, I: 10/8-10/9) jumbo91 (C: 7/31, II: 8/9, I: 10/8-10/9); leish63(C:~8/5, II: 8/9, I: ?)
University of Michigan mooser0956 (C:7/29, II:8/26, I:11/14-15)
University of Pittsburgh - leish63 (C: ~7/25, II: 8/5, I: 8/22-8/23); pittpanther (C:7/23, II: 8/8, I:8/26-8/27); mooser0956 (C:8/15, II:8/23, I:9/26-27)
University of Southern California - orokami (C: 8/1, II: 8/21; I: 10/24)
University of Texas HSCSA - plumazul (C: 7/10, II: 7/15, I: 8/25-27); NigelVermooth (C: 7/23, II 7/28, I: 9/9-10); TheShaker (C: 7/23, II: 8/5/13, I: ?); Orokami (C: 7/16, II: 8/5, I: 8/25-27)
University of Texas Southwestern - dcol27 (C: 8/9, II: 8/23, I: 9/27); BigFatCat (C: 7/23, II: 8/23, I: 10/11)
University of Virginia - plumazul (C: 7/22, II: 8/23, I: 9/19-20);
University of Wisconsin-Madison pittpanther (C:7/18, II:8/27, I:10/3-6), TheShaker (C:7/19, II: 8/27, I: 10/3-6).
Washington University - premed660 (C: ~7/30 II: 8/7 I:9/26-9/28); leish63 (C: 8/2, II: 8/20, I:9/26-9/28); NigelVermooth (C: 8/2, II: 8/21, I:9/26-28); quebaldy (C: 8/6, II: 8/21, I: 10/10-12)

C: Complete
II: Interview Invite date
I: Interview date[/quote]
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