Public Health or Psych for UG Major

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15+ Year Member
Aug 4, 2008
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As of right now I am majoring in Psychology and attending class on campus at a State University, however I have the option of doing eLearning/Blackboard classes through University of South Florida for a BS in Public Health. I have taken Intro to Epi and Public Health Writing using USF's distance learning option and I would really like to apply for a Public Health graduate program after graduation.

I have a few questions I was hoping to have answered.

1) Would a Public Health undergrad major make me more competitive for a graduate program?

2) Given that most, if not all, of the courses can and will be taken through distance learning would that impact me negatively when applying for grad school?

3) I am currently getting some experience as a research assistant in the psych department (1 semester), but I'm a little confused as to how I would be able to get LoR's and research experience if I went the distance learning route at USF. Any ideas on that?

Any suggestions or answers that anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.


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These are just my opinions, they're not necessarily right or wrong and feel free to disagree!

1) A Public Health undergrad major will not make you any more or less attractive to grad school. PH schools accept students from all majors, not just public health majors. My advice would be to stick to what you enjoy and find interesting.

2) I'm not too sure about this. Some schools do accept online courses to fill prerequisite requirements but a whole degree undertaken through distance learning is obviously a lot different from that. You should contact USF, since that is where you want to go, and ask them this question. My guess is that the answer to this question will probably vary, depending on the school.

3) Can you continue to be a research assistant at your current place even if you're no longer enrolled in that school? Some labs will let you do that. Talk to your supervisor and see what he/she says.
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I can only give you my experience.

I echo what was said above. Being in public health in UG doesn't seem to boost your chances. Do what you enjoy.

Fwiw, I did a very large chunk of my undergrad online through the State U that I attended. I don't know if it'll make a difference that you're attending at two different universities but it hasn't seemed to make a lick of difference.

The LoR does get a bit tricky. You can form relationships with your profs over distance learning by emailing or skyping during office hours just like you would visit during office hours.

If you can do local internships or jobs that are related to some area of public health, that would be a good option as well.

Good luck :)
Thanks for all of the responses!

I find that there are aspects of my psychology coursework which are very interesting (Abnormal psych, psychopathology, clinical methodology) but I definitely felt more excited about my time spent studying public health. Everyone has provided me with some sound advice which will help me make a good decision for my next semester.

If anyone has anything else to add please do.

Thanks for all of the responses!

I find that there are aspects of my psychology coursework which are very interesting (Abnormal psych, psychopathology, clinical methodology) but I definitely felt more excited about my time spent studying public health. Everyone has provided me with some sound advice which will help me make a good decision for my next semester.

If anyone has anything else to add please do.


I studied psychology in college and got a doctorate in clinical psychology. I am applying to health policy focus for public health, with longer terms goals in mental health policy in developing countries. me, you'll be fine. ;)
Yeah, I'd like to echo the previous poster (though I have less academic experience). I also majored in Psychology as an undergrad and I'm in an MPH program now. Nobody at the school has questioned why I changed to a healthcare-related track.