2007dental school applicants

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hey !

im new to this thread ... im from pune.. im planning to apply for 2007 as well... ive given my P1 on july 17th.. waiting for the scores ... very nervous :( ... they said it will take 2 more weeks .... my remaining documents are more or less ready ...

do u guys think ill make it for most deadlines if my score is decent :confused: ?
What score should i expect to be called for atleast 2 interviews :confused: ?

thanks :thumbup:

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"Briefly note any activity to date which you feel has been
your most fulfilling experience.

Note: Please leave a blank line between each paragraph in the
Statement of Qualifications and Objectives field. "
Im confused!!!r ull also writing abt qualifications and objectives along with ur most fulfilling experience?????am i misunderstanding the question?to me it sounds like 2 separate q's!!! ppl who have finished their BU app, please help.... :confused:
rachna said:
"Briefly note any activity to date which you feel has been
your most fulfilling experience.

Note: Please leave a blank line between each paragraph in the
Statement of Qualifications and Objectives field. "
Im confused!!!r ull also writing abt qualifications and objectives along with ur most fulfilling experience?????am i misunderstanding the question?to me it sounds like 2 separate q's!!! ppl who have finished their BU app, please help.... :confused:

hi there
actually its a modified form of your sop...in which you have to include your most fulfiling experience ..whuch inclined you towards dentistry along with that they are asking your qulaifications and objectives means goals ...actually i understood as this and did so..
hope that helps :)
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I took my part 1 exam in July and scored 85%.
I am applying for 2007.
My toefl score is 267.
My GPA is 3.2.
I am married to a US citizen and rite now I am under adjustment of status.
I am applying to UPENN, NYU and BOSTON.
Do I have any chances that I will be called for interview?
Also, I am planning to take Part 1 again in november and send the schools my improved score.
Would that be beneficail or I should take part 2?
Please guide me.
sumanreddivari said:
since almost all dental college admissions r done for this yr am starting a thread for 2007 applicants. we can share details regarding application procedure , compare scores,prepare for part2, get info on stupid things like travel n boarding .....well its too early to start this thread ,but not pointless.lets see how it goes..
HYDBDS said:
Well ! Even I am not sure ... its a bit confusing.... I wrote a condensed SOP in that column as it has to be within the word limits they have given...but once we submit our application online, if we want to make any changes to our application, then we have to send it in writing through normal mail...now I am thinking that I should write seperately a fulfilling experience and SOP in different sheets and send them and see ...

If some one can clear our doubts regarding this, it would be nice....Thanks in advance to anyone who gives a clear picture about filling this column for BU application ( whether we have to write SOP or fulfilling experience or both )
what i am begining to understand is that it is a fulfilling experience entwined into the sop!Any successful BU applicant -could you please thow some light on this-I can guarantee you that lots of us here would be extremely grateful.

r notarized copies of letters of recommendations accepted by schools?
or do i have to ask my recommenders to sign and stamp multiple copies of the letter??
rachna said:

r notarized copies of letters of recommendations accepted by schools?
or do i have to ask my recommenders to sign and stamp multiple copies of the letter??
I think signed and stamped is essential requirement.good luck
Hi Folks,
I am filling up application for UCLA.

Wondering if we need to submit separate "Personal Statement" or the
page 3 of the application form itself is the personal statement.

I am little confused because on the check-list they have mentioned
"Personal Statement" as separate item than application form, but on
the page 3 of the application form they have asked for what we generally
write in personal statement.

Please let me know what you guys are doing. I would appreciate your help.
rajjos77 said:
I did some research on some CA schools. I think, only UOP accepts notarized copies of transcripts and even the ECE report, NBDE score, and TOEFL score.
Rest of the univerities like UCSF, UCLA and USC ( I know only about these many) accepts only official score report send directly by the perticular oragnizations( like ADA, ETS etc)
But, these universities accept official as well as notarized copy of transcripts.
I think, it is better to get official copy from India as it works cheaper. Because, notary is minimum $ 5-10 per sheet, I guess.

Hi All . Actually you can get your certificates notarized here in USA very easily . Just go to the bank that you have your account in , be it bank of america or whichever you interact with...and they will happily notarize the copies for you . Mostly they do not charge for it . also you can try the doctor's office ...they too notarize it for free . all the best !...
hello all
those who applied to u penn..how did u guys fill out the application form...can i fill it by writing in black ink??...please let me know
thanks in advance
hello all
those who applied to u penn..how did u guys fill out the application form...can i fill it by writing in black ink??...please let me know
thanks in advance

yes u have to fill the application in black ink...thts wht i did....hope this helps. good luck to u.
hiii small wonder
thank u for ur quick reply...u have been a great help
how to go about usc application they say it should be typed or printed in black ink. now what does that mean? can we fill it with black ink or fill it, scan then print it? pls help
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how to go about usc application they say it should be typed or printed in black ink. now what does that mean? can we fill it with black ink or fill it, scan then print it? pls help

i filled the form in black ink to avoid any confusion regarding the printing stuff...donno wht it meant .so filled it in black. sent my application in mid august....havent heard yet...keeping my fingers crossed....good luck to u
thanks for ur quick reply.all the best to u.

i filled the form in black ink to avoid any confusion regarding the printing stuff...donno wht it meant .so filled it in black. sent my application in mid august....havent heard yet...keeping my fingers crossed....good luck to u
Hi Pheonix
Congrats for being accepted in BU? Can u please share ur Part1 scores and is it true that BU does not take students with less than 90 in part1 no matter their other stats are equally good or may be better?
Please guide
how to go about usc application they say it should be typed or printed in black ink. now what does that mean? can we fill it with black ink or fill it, scan then print it? pls help

Hi Minali
This means that we have to use black ink pen and we have to use capital letters for filling out the form.
Hope that helps.
Yes BU DOES:thumbup: accept people with less than 90 on part 1 , what matters more is a wholistic application and an impressive interview , a candidate should live upto his/her image projected by the application and everything ahould be fine
Good luck
hi there am in san jose too .. gettin scared about applications have not started yet... just got score 91 on part one .. wat do u think do stay in touch
hi, my part 1 score 88..................ne chances of me getting into ne school.....or do i need to retake part 1.....need advice plzzzzz
Please could you specify what wholistic application means.Has bu taken anyone below 90 last year?
Also thank you very much fr taking the time out to answer our queries.
Anyone applying to schools for the 2nd time? I am...at least to the east coast schools so I was wondering if anyone else was doing the same.
hi folks, i applied to Bu , UPENN, NYU, and Tufts. still waiting to hear from them.
i got 90 in nb1, 87 in nb2, toefl of 287, GPA of 3.82. anyone here has heard from any school? chip in ur feedback guys, will help immensly.
got my part-I scores today...
anat- 90
physio/biochem- 93
micro/path- 93
dental anat- 98
average= 94
need guidance for the application process....
where to start from???
got my part-I scores today...
anat- 90
physio/biochem- 93
micro/path- 93
dental anat- 98
average= 94
need guidance for the application process....
where to start from???

Great score.You might be a little late for the Californian schools.You could apply to UPENN, Michigan(last date is the 20th of October), Boston, Minnesota, Colorado and New York University.
Hurry up, the sooner you send in the applications the better
All the best
Hi All . Actually you can get your certificates notarized here in USA very easily . Just go to the bank that you have your account in , be it bank of america or whichever you interact with...and they will happily notarize the copies for you . Mostly they do not charge for it . also you can try the doctor's office ...they too notarize it for free . all the best !...

Hi Saryu
do you mean that I can use notarize copies of transcripts for school applications? I think only the offical transcripts signed and sealed by the registra work. thanks.
Great score.You might be a little late for the Californian schools.You could apply to UPENN, Michigan(last date is the 20th of October), Boston, Minnesota, Colorado and New York University.
Hurry up, the sooner you send in the applications the better
All the best

And also Nova Southeastern University School of Dental Medicine, Fort Lauderdale-Davie, Florida.....
:thumbup: Good Luck...
hi folks, i got an interview from tufts, it on the 17th october. anyone heard from them, and has i'view on the same date?
I Am Looking At New York Uni Site . They Have Added One Year Post Doctral Progr. From 2007.. Does Any One Know Whats That N' That Mean Total Of 4 Years Of Study.. Whats The Cost Of That??
look into the university websites for requirements & application deadline & fee structure.here is the website were u can get the contact info for the universities http://ada.org/prof/prac/licensure/us.asp. hope this helps

i doin my internship in balaji now...i plan to appear for part 1 in 2007.....which year did u pass out .......and all the best to u .....:)
Hi, I want badly to get into a 2 yr program. I got 87 in part 1. Studied just the decks. Didn't know anyother material existed. Reading here about some "Q bank" & ASDA papers? Got admission in NYU, but don't wanna go there. So, should i retake part 1 or prepare for part 2 & try to get a gud score there? Anyone have the part 2 latest papers? What all to study for that? Should i apply to various univs now & take part 2 after that? What if i get interview call b4 the exam or the result? Completely confused. Plz help....

e-mail: [email protected]
I just found out that Michigan deadline's oct 20. I can get the rest of the things sent on time, but they accept only original NDB scores. That takes ADA at least one week to send. What to do? Should i send my original copy of the score? Can i get another one re-issued to me later for a fee?
Hi, ANy other deadlines near (for non US citizen,non PR etc) ? plz reply, especially to my Michigan querry b4 this.
I just found out that Michigan deadline's oct 20. I can get the rest of the things sent on time, but they accept only original NDB scores. That takes ADA at least one week to send. What to do? Should i send my original copy of the score? Can i get another one re-issued to me later for a fee?

Are you sure they accept only original / official NBDE scores ? I sent only notarized copies of all my scores (NBDE, ECE, TOEFL) and they accepted them... so why dont you call up Stephanie Bolz , ITDP Assistant at UMich and confirm the requirement ?

:thumbup: Good Luck
thanks hybds for the info & promt response

like u suggested, i called them & they did say that they accepted the notarized copies of NDB too. So, u r fine. But i found other discouraging info for myself. They said that they get over 200 applicants each yr & take only 8. The Average score of students taken near the end last year was ~90. ( i got only 87:( ). And i also found 2 friends who had higher scores but could not get thru these guys' INTENSIVE interview tests etc. They are telling me it's a waste of money, time. I think i'll let Michigan go. Wel, all the very best to u friend:thumbup: . Don't forget to post how it goes (the interview & subsequently).
BTW, how much did u get on part 1? Any tips for part 2?

e-mail : [email protected]
All those who have recently( with in two weeks) applied.When do u expect the interview call to come at the earliest.
which all uni have u applied ?

hi guys i need some advice i have a nbde1 score 87 anat 88 biochem 90 micro 93 da 79 my gpa 3.53 toefl 103/120 was college president presented a paper at state level do i stand a chance in any univ
Hi GKG i have got 89 .GPA is 3.7 .got one publication and doing research in dental school in Alabama so have one US recommendation.NAy chances of getiing interview from boston.kapish

I studied for one year and went 4 times over decks, 4 times over kaplan book and once over the released. Also, for anatomy I new from cover to cover the "anatomy made ridiculously simple"- very good source. I guess that neuroanatomy part from kaplan is a must, you have to memorize the text to be able to make the conections and identify the corect answer in the exam. My opinion is that you shlould repeat all this material as many times as you can and you will do very good. good luck! :)

hi...u got such score plzz guide me...what was study plan...i feeling bit nervous about it...how to study
Hi all
We can apply to Colorado now only for 2008, right? They take applications a whole year in advance na? I sent them my application b4 the deadline this year not knowing this & applied for 2006 itself. I should have written "applying for 2007" right ?? Now it can be only for 2008 ?
Hope you get somewhere!

As for me, I have my GC but missed my deadline for the California schools. Now I want to apply to as many schools as possible. I have not appeared in part II yet.

People : My score is 89 and and GPA of 3.82. Toefl score I should be getting any day. Any opnions on my chances?

Well, I took Part 1 in Dec05 first time and got 79% (A-78,Bio-76,MP-80,DA-81). At that time I only prepared for MP and DA.
Now, I took it again on Jun8th and got 83% (A-79,Bio-88,MP-84,DA-81). I really prepared well and have been scoring 90-95+ in practice exams. I totally depressed.. :( Dunno what to do now. I dunno what I did wrong.. Took toefl and waiting for result.
My hub helped in preparing the list of all schools (31 I think from ada website) that accept international trained dentists (into their advanced standing program). We compiled other info for each school, like app fee, total fees, deadline for application, program start date, direct web link, other conditions etc.. Please don't ask "just" for that info :mad: .. I really want to get into school for 2007. I don't have GC yet.. Any suggestions?
Hope you get somewhere!

As for me, I have my GC but missed my deadline for the California schools. Now I want to apply to as many schools as possible. I have not appeared in part II yet.

People : My score is 89 and GPA of 3.82. Toefl score I should be getting any day. Any opnions on my chances?

Well, I took Part 1 in Dec05 first time and got 79% (A-78,Bio-76,MP-80,DA-81). At that time I only prepared for MP and DA.
Now, I took it again on Jun8th and got 83% (A-79,Bio-88,MP-84,DA-81). I really prepared well and have been scoring 90-95+ in practice exams. I totally depressed.. :( Dunno what to do now. I dunno what I did wrong.. Took toefl and waiting for result.
My hub helped in preparing the list of all schools (31 I think from ada website) that accept international trained dentists (into their advanced standing program). We compiled other info for each school, like app fee, total fees, deadline for application, program start date, direct web link, other conditions etc.. Please don't ask "just" for that info :mad: .. I really want to get into school for 2007. I don't have GC yet.. Any suggestions?

I studied for one year and went 4 times over decks, 4 times over kaplan book and once over the released. Also, for anatomy I new from cover to cover the "anatomy made ridiculously simple"- very good source. I guess that neuroanatomy part from kaplan is a must, you have to memorize the text to be able to make the conections and identify the corect answer in the exam. My opinion is that you shlould repeat all this material as many times as you can and you will do very good. good luck! :)

can you pls tell me the author fro the anatomy book that you quoted.


I have got the same score as yours and GPA of 3.7.Please tell Which all the school u have applied for.
Hi .I have received an pretty close interview call from UPENN .They are interviewing me on 31 OCT .Please let me know if any body is getting interviewed on the same day.I can be contacted at [email protected].