The Republic of Texas 16: Once you've been matched, killin's as easy as breathin

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Hmm. So I was going to ask a question on Texas medical school wait-listing, but it seems that I am in the wrong thread. My bad.
knock yourself out, our discussion is over anyway.

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I was accepted at Texas A&M, and I just received an email today asking me to send in my campus designation preference, either 4 years in Temple, 4 in College Station, or the traditional 2+2 program. I definitely do not want to do 4 years in College Station because I really liked Scott & White and would love to do my clinical training there. However, I can't decide whether I want to do all 4 years in Temple, or spend 2 years in College Station and 2 in Temple. Does anyone have any advice on making this decision? I'd appreciate it :)
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knock yourself out, our discussion is over anyway.

There is a valid argument to be made for guns acting as a deterrent against criminal misdeeds (and therefore suppressing criminal activity), but there is no defense against stricter access to firearms. This form of gun control (whether it manifests itself in more thorough background checks prior to gun purchase to some type of technological advancement that prevents guns from being fired by anyone other than its legal owner) maintains the access to guns by law-abiding citizens while also regulating the flow of firearms away from criminals.
I find it funny that people were actually listening to me for a while. :rolleyes:

Seriosly, do what you want. I have to take a break from SDN to study for 3 tests next week, and.... well going to class has gotten so hard lately. Toodles!

I hear ya, Real. Except my break from SDN wont be due to tests, I get to be a trucker for a week instead :D. That being said, I'll see y'all on the flip side!
Hmm. So I was going to ask a question on Texas medical school wait-listing, but it seems that I am in the wrong thread. My bad.

this is exactly why texas needs their own forum/sub forum. Texans want to talk about more than just med school (gasp!). I think last year I tried to have even a separate waitlist thread, but it never happened. Everyone wants to talk on one thread.
Anyone here who was interviewed at A&M in the month of December got a pre-match or a match? Also, does anyone know how much movement in A&M waitlist?
this is exactly why texas needs their own forum/sub forum. Texans want to talk about more than just med school (gasp!). I think last year I tried to have even a separate waitlist thread, but it never happened. Everyone wants to talk on one thread.

God forbid that we're not all pre-med machines that eat, sleep, and breathe medicine. :rolleyes:
San Antonio's "alternate pool" list has been established - it has about 50 names on it. Word is to email Belinda if you're brave enough to find out if your name is on it. Letters have supposedly been mailed.

It was emphasized that it is not a ranked list.
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it's not like other conversations can't happen simultaneously. sorry if we mucked up your thread.

sorry - that was sarcasm. hard to get that through on a message board.

i could personally care less about whether or not people talk about politics, lmu's, or whatever on here.

and just fyi - i own a shotgun, 2 rifles, and 2 handguns those sh*ts are AMAZING! :D
sorry - that was sarcasm. hard to get that through on a message board.

i could personally care less about whether or not people talk about politics, lmu's, or whatever on here.

and just fyi - i own a shotgun, 2 rifles, and 2 handguns those sh*ts are AMAZING! :D
I love guns. I don't get why it's so hard for some people to understand that they're just another hobby/source of entertainment. I'm not a hick, a hunter, or a racist white supremacist militant. I just enjoy shooting guns.

on a different note, I got a call today about that job I really wanted at Vandy :cool: Looks like I might be going in for an interview next week. the guy went to Texas Tech, so maybe I can schmooz him
on a different note, I got a call today about that job I really wanted at Vandy :cool: Looks like I might be going in for an interview next week. the guy went to Texas Tech, so maybe I can schmooz him

Sweet!! Bowl 'em over!
San Antonio's "alternate pool" list has been established - it has about 50 names on it. Word is to email Belinda if you're brave enough to find out if your name is on it. Letters have supposedly been mailed.

It was emphasized that it is not a ranked list.

You wouldn't happen to have her email address? I have the phone number but I don't want to call and get the run around of being transferred back and forth for half an hour
You wouldn't happen to have her email address? I have the phone number but I don't want to call and get the run around of being transferred back and forth for half an hour

I was trying not to, but since you're not the only one who's [email protected]
ya, I don't see what the big deal is. I much longer can you talk about LMUs and stuff?

Which reminds me, this is when we need to compare all the LMU's with the acceptances from different school to see what the underlying secret was. :D

I love guns. I don't get why it's so hard for some people to understand that they're just another hobby/source of entertainment. I'm not a hick, a hunter, or a racist white supremacist militant. I just enjoy shooting guns.

on a different note, I got a call today about that job I really wanted at Vandy :cool: Looks like I might be going in for an interview next week. the guy went to Texas Tech, so maybe I can schmooz him

Hey nice, schmooz enough to get in, thats the goal. ;)
good luck. that would be a great chance for an update!
not only that but supposedly this guy and the department is pretty well known by the admissions committee at Vandy and often tries to help their employees get in. they only hire pre-meds, which is kind of interesting.
not only that but supposedly this guy and the department is pretty well known by the admissions committee at Vandy and often tries to help their employees get in. they only hire pre-meds, which is kind of interesting.

Well then, thats a win-win. You won't be unemployed any longer and you'll get in a few weeks later (hopefully). :thumbup:
I was accepted at Texas A&M, and I just received an email today asking me to send in my campus designation preference, either 4 years in Temple, 4 in College Station, or the traditional 2+2 program. I definitely do not want to do 4 years in College Station because I really liked Scott & White and would love to do my clinical training there. However, I can't decide whether I want to do all 4 years in Temple, or spend 2 years in College Station and 2 in Temple. Does anyone have any advice on making this decision? I'd appreciate it :)

Congrats on the acceptance. A&M was my first acceptance, although i won't be going there, so i did some thinking on this myself. The way i saw it was this.....

the students hated living in temple but loved the clinical work at s&w. Since college station has a huge undergrad/grad pop. it would be easier to live with other students for your first two years while you are primarily in classes. Therefore, the 2+2 option allows you to experience cs with plenty of people in similar situations and then transferring to temple for clinical work. You don't have any time for the second half anyways, so being stranded in temple won't be as big of a deal. Good luck with your decision.
Did you guys call or is the mail in already?
I love guns. I don't get why it's so hard for some people to understand that they're just another hobby/source of entertainment. I'm not a hick, a hunter, or a racist white supremacist militant. I just enjoy shooting guns.

on a different note, I got a call today about that job I really wanted at Vandy :cool: Looks like I might be going in for an interview next week. the guy went to Texas Tech, so maybe I can schmooz him

Just to clarify, none of this even crossed my mind (except that maybe you were a hunter). :)

Good luck with apps and vandy!
Well I was gonna ask everyone what they thought of gay marriage but then I thought better of myself. (I'm kidding).

Does anyone else think it's lame that Tom Brady and Randy Moss are sitting out the pro bowl? What a bunch of whiners. "If I can't win, then I'm gonna take my toys and go home." Please.

Anyone get good news about being on the San Antonio alternate list?
Does anyone else think it's lame that Tom Brady and Randy Moss are sitting out the pro bowl? What a bunch of whiners. "If I can't win, then I'm gonna take my toys and go home." Please.

Well I was gonna ask everyone what they thought of gay marriage but then I thought better of myself. (I'm kidding).

Does anyone else think it's lame that Tom Brady and Randy Moss are sitting out the pro bowl? What a bunch of whiners. "If I can't win, then I'm gonna take my toys and go home." Please.

Anyone get good news about being on the San Antonio alternate list?

I don't blame them. I doubt you get paid extra. It's the end of the season and you probably have some nagging injuries. Why risk getting hurt if you don't get anything out of it?
I don't blame them. I doubt you get paid extra. It's the end of the season and you probably have some nagging injuries. Why risk getting hurt if you don't get anything out of it?

I hate the Pro Bowl. The serious risk of injury far outweighs any type of entertainment if provides (lest we forget Robert Edwards, a rookie rb for the Pats who blew out his knee in '98 and pretty much lost his career). Its a joke of a game that is held after everyone is already NFLed out. Screw the Pro Bowl, and I'd wish none of the Cowboys would play in it.
way back many years ago, man invented the television.

If you didn't realize it, All-star games are about providing fans access to many of their favorite sports figures over the course of a 3-4 day festivity. The game itself is usually a formality (hence low ratings for all all-star games, including ones that semi-count). This is what makes the Pro Bowl utterly worthless. Not only does the game itself suck, but it doesn't even bring the players closer to the fans (which, again, is the point of these all-star games).
If you didn't realize it, All-star games are about providing fans access to many of their favorite sports figures over the course of a 3-4 day festivity. The game itself is usually a formality (hence low ratings for all all-star games, including ones that semi-count). This is what makes the Pro Bowl utterly worthless. Not only does the game itself suck, but it doesn't even bring the players closer to the fans (which, again, is the point of these all-star games).
people know that the pro bowl is placed with little or no intensity because no one wants to get hurt. its no wonder people wont be in a rush to watch the game right after the super bowl. yet the point is that the game is for the fans to see their favorite players all together, including fun things like the quarterback challenge.

now as far as access goes.. isn't the super bowl also supposed to be for the fans? what fans can afford several thousand dollar tickets for a single game? that's not the average fan.
Come on people you can't make a statement like that without details of time, date, postmark stamp, email time stamp, what you were wearing, etc :p

I know...I almost didn't post it because it looked so anticlimactic sitting there, but i figured it was still worth it in case anyone else on here is going to UTSA. It was a post-match acceptance at 5:06 pm CST on the 31st. My phone receives emails, so I received the acceptance email before I could check online. I was stuck in bed with pneumonia, so i was wearing red moose pajamas. I'm still sick because I decided that despite the pneumonia I needed to go out with friends to celebrate that night.

And while i haven't posted at all, SDN has been a constant source of useful information for me (as well as not so useful paranoia), so thank you.
people know that the pro bowl is placed with little or no intensity because no one wants to get hurt. its no wonder people wont be in a rush to watch the game right after the super bowl. yet the point is that the game is for the fans to see their favorite players all together, including fun things like the quarterback challenge.

now as far as access goes.. isn't the super bowl also supposed to be for the fans? what fans can afford several thousand dollar tickets for a single game? that's not the average fan.

So the point of all-star games is to watch my favorite players play grab-*** on TV?

The Super Bowl is a different beast in of itself. Fundamentally, the Super Bowl pits the best AFC team against the best NFC team in a neutral sight. Therefore, fundamentally, it is executed properly. Corporate sponsorship and increased demand have made going to the game unattainable for the average fan, but these are external to the actual premise of the game. The Pro Bowl, on the other hand, is fundamentally flawed because it neither provides a spirited contest nor brings the player any close to the fan (because its on a "remote" island). I believe all-star games should be rotated around major cities so that fans can at least partake in the festivities surrounding an all-star game and see their favorite players outside of the playing field. They shouldn't involve simply watching them on TV take a vacation in Hawaii.
Anyone get good news about being on the San Antonio alternate list?

Yeah, I just got a letter today from them. Does anyone know how much waitlist movement UTSA usually has?
come on guys, all we do any more is fight.....

... what happened to the good old days when we talked about how we are better than all the other states and made up conspiracy theories about TMDSAS and all the schools?
come on guys, all we do any more is fight.....

... what happened to the good old days when we talked about how we are better than all the other states and made up conspiracy theories about TMDSAS and all the schools?

Those days are dead. The ones left are jaded and bitter.
I know...I almost didn't post it because it looked so anticlimactic sitting there, but i figured it was still worth it in case anyone else on here is going to UTSA. It was a post-match acceptance at 5:06 pm CST on the 31st. My phone receives emails, so I received the acceptance email before I could check online. I was stuck in bed with pneumonia, so i was wearing red moose pajamas. I'm still sick because I decided that despite the pneumonia I needed to go out with friends to celebrate that night.

And while i haven't posted at all, SDN has been a constant source of useful information for me (as well as not so useful paranoia), so thank you.

If you received it at 5:06 than it was during the match which occured at 5:00 p.m.

Congrats, hope you feel better!

come on guys, all we do any more is fight.....

... what happened to the good old days when we talked about how we are better than all the other states and made up conspiracy theories about TMDSAS and all the schools?

That was before TMDSAS screwed us over. :mad:
since apparently they fill spots with people of similar stats and demographics, can you describe this person?? :D
Well you're in luck because it was a female! She's a URM, but I don't know her MCAT score nor GPA.

Good luck! :luck:
Yeah, I just got a letter today from them. Does anyone know how much waitlist movement UTSA usually has?

I think someone said earlier that they anticipate 10-15 people from the waitlist moving to the class.

...Does anyone know if they are sending out rejection letters as well to those that didn't match or just leaving the non-waitlist people hanging? I haven't received anything from them yet in the mail and am really hoping to get on the waitlist...:luck:..and, of course, then accepted off of said waitlist. :rolleyes:
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