Just got my MCAT scores... chances?

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10+ Year Member
Jan 31, 2009
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I just got my mcat scores today.
Total: 33P

My CGPA is ~3.78.
I've done a bunch of ECs - but specifically, my clinical/research experiences are:

-volunteering at cancer lab
-volunteering at acute care center
-research assistant (work with sex-trade workers and factors that contribute to their HIV/AIDS status)
-research assistant (at transplant immunology lab)
-volunteer at developing country's hospital

I'm Canadian and I am thinking about applying to Canadian and American med schools. What are my chances of getting into either of them? What US med schools do I have the best chance at? Should I repeat my MCAT?


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Canadians applying to US schools are generally held to a higher standard than American citizens who apply. While your stats would be fine for a US applicant, your chances as a Canadian are just so, so, and might rest on more details than you provided about your ECs.

You can view a statistical summary of International acceptees at US schools by scrolling far right on the provided grid here:
School Selection spreadsheet: School_Selector_0910.xls (173.5 KB, 7430 views)

You might also consider doing an SDN search on the term "Canadian" to read other posts on this issue.
Canadians applying to US schools are generally held to a higher standard than American citizens who apply. While your stats would be fine for a US applicant, your chances as a Canadian are just so, so, and might rest on more details than you provided about your ECs.

You can view a statistical summary of International acceptees at US schools by scrolling far right on the provided grid here:
School Selection spreadsheet: School_Selector_0910.xls (173.5 KB, 7430 views)

You might also consider doing an SDN search on the term "Canadian" to read other posts on this issue.

Thanks!! I'll try that.