A message to all med and pre-med students!!! Desktop background enclosed!

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Jun 19, 2004
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Well, I took the liberty of putting the SDN logo in there, check it out.

Its just for whenever you are loosing your drive and are tired of long hours of study, you see it and get motivated!

I hope you guys like it.


Link to background: Ver1 1024 x 768

Ver2 1024 x 768

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I forced my son to put it as his desktop background.
it shall share the space with the flag
Members don't see this ad :)
Can this be a sticky? !
that was pretty cool!! I need somthing to look at to remind me of the light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Haha, nice, but this just doesn't have the aesthetic value that my current Guernica does.
Pinkertinkle said:
Haha, nice, but this just doesn't have the aesthetic value that my current Guernica does.

yeah me too....love the message but just can't part with my leafy sea dragon and whale sharks i have right now!
I love it. Thank you!!
You left out the period after the 'D' in M.D. :)
also, it should "an" M.D. not "a"
proofofconcept said:
You left out the period after the 'D' in M.D. :)

chicagomel said:
... it should be "an" not "a"

" I think a sans-serif font, maybe a size 34.232476 and 1/8th would have worked better. The resolution could be flipswaped, and contrast excized over the farf nob"

Jeez, leave the guy alone, he was trying to do a nice thing. Why does everyone on this board have to pick apart everything? Let the guy have a day in the sun.

(gets of soapbox and goes back to my mcat books)
Yeah I like it. Maybe you can make some more with different phrases so I can make a slideshow.
Members don't see this ad :)
chicagomel said:
also, it should "an" M.D. not "a"

I do not believe this to be correct. Since M.D. is an abbreviation and not an actual word, the rules state that you go by what the actual word is. Therefor "a medical doctor" , aka "a M.D." is the correct syntax.
EMT2ER-DOC said:
I do not believe this to be correct. Since M.D. is an abbreviation and not an actual word, the rules state that you go by what the actual word is. Therefor "a medical doctor" , aka "a M.D." is the correct syntax.

Hmmm....however the sound of the "M" in the pronunciation of M.D. gives the sound of a vowel, so I think 'an' is appropriate.

I think the rule is based on the sound of the first letter in the word, if it sounds like a vowel then you use 'an', regardless of whether the letter is actually a vowel or not. (e.g. an hour, a university)

You are correct in saying that medical doctor is the actual word, but "M.D." is the pronounced word.

Ok sorry guys
How 'bout showing some love for the pre-D.O. folks?
Anyone else liked it :(?

double bump!

show the OP some love.

OnMyWayThere said:
How 'bout showing some love for the pre-D.O. folks?

LOL... How would that one go?

"Becoming a D.O. is a matter of effort... Just not as much effort..."

Just playing with ya.
Hey good job! I would make it my wallpaper except for that the computer I am using right now isn't mine. :p
Nice wallpaper...I like it
Mr Reddly said:
I thought it was awesome! The 1st one especially!

... and now my critique... if you want one that is :oops:

On the second one, where it says "work hard to accomplish your dreams", it looks like there is a darker 'outer glow' behind the text. Either that, or you were doing a drop shadow like you did on the "student doctor network" text (love that part BTW!), but that you then oversized it and changed the effect. I think it would be better if you used the same blending effect you used on the "student doctor network" text for this one... if you understand what I'm trying to say.

My only other comment is that you have your user name on the image twice. The bottom right one is Ok, since it was made by you, but if you want other people to use it, you may think about modifying the "user: ctaborda" part for them. But as a personal Background for you, it's awesome!!! :cool:

Yes, and accomplish is spelled incorrectly. It's actually kind of drab to be honest. Would Mr reddly be willing to make one? We all know he's an expert at it. :)
ZOT! ZOT! said:
Yes, and accomplish is spelled incorrectly. It's actually kind of drab to be honest. Would Mr reddly be willing to make one? We all know he's an expert at it. :)

I was serious. I know how good you are at these things, Mr. Reddly. I thought it was awesome, but boring. I know I wouldn't be able to do anything near to it and I have respect for the talent.
Was trying to go with an all inclusive theme for docs/pharm/dent/nurse...
Any suggestions/ideas?

This is hosted on a free web site... don't know if it'll work.
1024 x 768
i try to avoid real people finding out that i am applying to medical school whenever possible. im afraid an SDN wallpaper might throw me into instant dork status.
IndyZX said:
i try to avoid real people finding out that i am applying to medical school whenever possible. im afraid an SDN wallpaper might throw me into instant dork status.

OK, here are two versions ... one without the caption and one with NO text at all... you can't feel dorky (well, at least not because of the background ;) )

Now, any idea how to make the image better?

no caption
no text
OnMyWayThere said:
How 'bout showing some love for the pre-D.O. folks?
Yes it should say becoming a physician takes effort since DOs are physicians too. The reality is, Student doctor network was made by a DO so in order to represent the site properly, it is only fair to include DOs.

Also it is correct to say "a M.D." and it is incorrect to say "an M.D.". Just because "an M.D." sounds better doesn't make it grammatically correct.
First of all, the OP's is a great design, very empowering. :thumbup:

Second of all:

Luck said:
Also it is correct to say "a M.D." and it is incorrect to say "an M.D.". Just because "an M.D." sounds better doesn't make it grammatically correct.

This is incorrect. Check out http://www.drgrammar.org/faqs/#36.

Grammatically, "an" is correct. But some use "a" as a choice of style.
and some leave those arguments to the dry, ponderous academics

btw, penguinol, i love the avatar
Great wallpapers, everyone! Good job. :thumbup:

Luck said:
Also it is correct to say "a M.D." and it is incorrect to say "an M.D.". Just because "an M.D." sounds better doesn't make it grammatically correct.

You sure about that? It just sounds wrong. You'd say "the patient went to an ICU downtown," not "a ICU downtown," right? Or "I'd like to order an MRI," not "I'd like to order a MRI." "I'd like to prescribe an ACE inhibitor" sounds correct; "I'd like to prescribe a ACE inhibitor" just sounds weird.

Just my $0.02. :)
ctaborda, I LOVE IT!!!

One thing, and I'm not citicizing, just wondering if you could make the same wallpaper in 1600x1200 resolution (that's what I use on all my computers). Thanks!
could you send me the psd file of this so i could make the different resolutions and fix the "mistakes" ( "." after D, and accomplish is spelled wrong)?

EDIT: Sorry, my e-mail is [email protected]
one more bump. i really would like this psd so i can put it up as my laptop's background :D
The logo is missing a period after "M.D" Please add it on. Otherwise it looks ridiculous
Cut this guy some slack!!!

All he did was try to do a nice thing, yet there are so many anal, grammatically correct people on here. Geez...