living off campus at u of i

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Jun 26, 2001
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has anyone lived off campus from med school? if so, how is it? is it too much of a hassle to get to class?

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I don't go to U of I, but I have worked here for two years. I know several med students and they all live off campus. Never heard anyone say it was difficult getting to class. There are several buses that run through the area as well as the blue line el train.
I have live in Iowa and Illinois and they both refer to their main university as U of I, as if the other doesn't exist. Which one are you talking about?
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Originally posted by JBJ
I have live in Iowa and Illinois and they both refer to their main university as U of I, as if the other doesn't exist. Which one are you talking about?

Good Point. I not only assumed U of I meant Illinois, but I also assumed it meant Chicago. I guess I got a little trigger happy with the response button.
I meant the university of illinois ( at urbana champaign)....

the chicago campus from what i know has always been known as uic...
Hey Realruby. I went to U of Illinois Champaign for undergrad. I can tell you that you are going
to want to steer away from campus a little bit, unless you want the to hear drunk people coming
out of C. Ho's every night. I personally liked living in Urbana better than Champaign, because it
seems cleaner and has more of a neighborhood feel. Do NOT go with a company called Campus
Property Management, as they are the slumlords of campus. You do want to live close enough to
campus where you could still ride a bike, walk, or take a bus, because there's no convenient place
to park a car on campus. The buses are really convenient, as is having a bike. My advice would
be to look in Urbana, east of Lincoln Ave, but not too near those frat houses by PAR and FAR.
Another good plus is that there is usually good street parking in Urbana, as opposed to
Champaign. Let me know if you have any particular questions.
I'd also have to say go with Urbana. I lived in Champaign for a year (I went there for my undergraduate education) and lived in Urbana for three. Urbana seemed quieter and cleaner. Sure, Champiagn has the fun bars (downtown Champaign contains a lot of the bars the graduate students patronize), but you can always bus or find a ride from a friend.
