Study buddy or group Jan 2011 mcat NY

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Sep 14, 2009
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Looking for study partners located in the NY area. I need some motivation, studying alone isnt going to work for me... Queens College is closest to me, so please contact me if interested... Thanks

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I'll be prepping in nyc in queens onward from december 20th up until the january MCAT! I would also like someone to help an motivate me so if we could get a group going that would be great =D Queens college is about a 10 min drive from my house! I am planning to study about 4-8 hours a day so serious studiers will really help me buckle down.
I live in westchester NY and would like to know if anyone is interested in forming a serious study group for the January 2011 mcat exam. Thank you.
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Traveling is fine, but we would also need a place where we could study undisturbed for long periods of time and converse if we had questions or concerns. We could do it at a library in manhattan but the hours of the libraries don't allow us to study even into the evening (most close around 5-6 pm).
Traveling is fine, but we would also need a place where we could study undisturbed for long periods of time and converse if we had questions or concerns. We could do it at a library in manhattan but the hours of the libraries don't allow us to study even into the evening (most close around 5-6 pm).

I agree. I think it might be best to choose a college library, they tend to close at 9pm.
I was thinking Queens College library because it's open 10am-9pm Mon-Thurs and 10am-6pm Fri-Sun. Also, you only need a state ID (license or driving permit) to enter the library (I asked several of my friends who go there and they all said they don't check student ID).
Okay so we some people who actually want to form a group study. Im sure there would be conflict of time and a place to meet. So first we gotta decide the the when? and where?. Well Im closest to queens college. But I understand that wouldnt be the best location for everyone to meet. So, please reply the closest place you could meet up and your availability. We all can't meet at a particular location, since NY is huge. Then it's best that we all could form two or three groups accordingly to location.
I would love to do queens college. I don't know about my time yet but I'm assuming it will be pretty flexible. I would like to do large blocks of time (preferable 3-4 hours at a time at least).
I would love to do queens college. I don't know about my time yet but I'm assuming it will be pretty flexible. I would like to do large blocks of time (preferable 3-4 hours at a time at least).

Okay sounds great. So what time and days can you start meeting up?
And how soon do u want to get started.
I think I would like to start middle of december. I'm not 100% sure yet because I don't know when all my finals for college end, but around december 15th is when I want to start. I plan to do content review and about 20 practice tests in the next 40 or so days.

I am re-taking the exam, I would like to meet with someone regularly once a week where we can spend 4-8 hours in library studying and review topics and strategy. Ideally my study partner needs to have a 30+ mentailty meaning that is the last attempt to push our scores up. I live in Murry hill , willing meet someone anywhere in manhatten really. Let me know email me a bit about yourself!

[email protected]
i live in brooklyn and i am ready to start as soon as possible. i have an open schedule.
Hi, I'm planning on taking the MCAT in Spring 2011. I was thinking of studying a few weekday evenings a week, in mid-Manhattan, perhaps at SIBL on 34th St. Alternatively, I would be up for studying in Queens on the weekends. If you're interested, email me at [email protected].