IMG wants to study PA

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Mar 18, 2015
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i am an IMG ,passed USMLE exams 1 and 2 with fair scores due to circumstances that i had.

i didnt matched and this is my second year applying for residency.

as i want to stay in the medical field and i worked with many PAs and i saw how great was it to be a PA, i decided to start a new path in my life to become a PA.

i contacted many schools and they want at least 30 credit hours of pre req and a TOEFL exam which i hope are easy to do.

anyone in chicago area interested in starting this plan with me like support each other .....

thank you all

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@F.Lahham Sorry to hear that! If you are not restricted geographically, you might also want to look at the 3-year Florida International University NP program for IMG in Miami. That program awards a RN degree after 1 year, which can be useful if you want to get a job quick... I know one person who did it and he is working as a NP now.

Also, if you know one ounce of spanish, you can also look for 1-year internship in Puerto Rico (PR) where you don't have to apply thru the match. With that 1-year internship, you will get a GP license in PR and once you get that license, you might be able to apply for a GP in some US states. I don't know about Illinois , but I know you can do it in Florida because I know a couple of IMG who did it after they unsuccessfully went unmatch. The caveat is: with a GP license, you will be restricted in what you can do. A lot of them in FL are working in the prison system and county health departments; therefore, salary might be 1/2 of what FM/IM physicians make. I worked with one whose salary was 105k/year according to him...
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there is also an IMG to DO program that can be done at one of the NY DO schools in 3 years. worth doing as it is only 1 more year(probably only 6-8 months actually) more than most pa programs.
IMGs do very well in PA school if you decide to go that route. I have one as a student right now in fact.