another away rotation question

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Mar 23, 2008
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hello all. I'm a 3rd year medical student and long time reader of this forum. Congrats to everyone that matched! My question is about away rotations. Although this has been touched on in the past, I'm still torn between going somewhere 'big' in order to get a good letter vs going somewhere where I have a more realistic chance of matching so that i'm more than a name on paper. I'm leaning towards the latter b/c my ultimate goal is to match in the midwest. Also, judging from the recent match it looks like programs are more comfortable with individuals they have worked with. Any comments on this strategy?

Also, I would appreciate any comments on specific away rotations and whether individuals had an overall positive or negative experience. There is not a lot of specific information on most websites and I'm sure there is a lot of variability in experiences independent of a program's reputation.

Thanks a lot! Class of 2009 up to bat! Here we go.....

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hello all. I'm a 3rd year medical student and long time reader of this forum. Congrats to everyone that matched! My question is about away rotations. Although this has been touched on in the past, I'm still torn between going somewhere 'big' in order to get a good letter vs going somewhere where I have a more realistic chance of matching so that i'm more than a name on paper. I'm leaning towards the latter b/c my ultimate goal is to match in the midwest. Also, judging from the recent match it looks like programs are more comfortable with individuals they have worked with. Any comments on this strategy?

Good luck. I would agree. I think my home institution felt more comfortable with people who rotated through. If you have ONLY 1 opportunity to do an away, I would suggest it in the midwest since that's where you want to match (doing one at MSKCC, MDACC, MGH/B&W/BID/DFCC/BCH=HROP may make people confused). Doing one in the midwest for you will demonstrate that you are truly sincere about staying there. I've heard amazing things about Mayo. You may want to consider doing one at a strong program with more than two spots (such as Wash U, 4) or a strong program with big names (such as U Wisconsin, 2/U Chicago, 3). In the midwest, U Wisconsin, U Chicago, Beaumont, Michigan etc. have hugely respected names (Harari, Mehta, Weichselbaum, Vicini, Martinez, Lawrence) who all seem really nice and want to support students.

Another option is to carve out 6 weeks, do 4 weeks at strong program #1 and a 2 week rotation at realistic program #2. The ideal would be to do both for 8 weeks. Also, if you have a particular interest, contact that person before you start the rotation. Maybe you'll have a project that can come out of that experience too. :luck:
hello all. I'm a 3rd year medical student and long time reader of this forum. Congrats to everyone that matched! My question is about away rotations. Although this has been touched on in the past, I'm still torn between going somewhere 'big' in order to get a good letter vs going somewhere where I have a more realistic chance of matching so that i'm more than a name on paper. I'm leaning towards the latter b/c my ultimate goal is to match in the midwest. Also, judging from the recent match it looks like programs are more comfortable with individuals they have worked with. Any comments on this strategy?

Also, I would appreciate any comments on specific away rotations and whether individuals had an overall positive or negative experience. There is not a lot of specific information on most websites and I'm sure there is a lot of variability in experiences independent of a program's reputation.

Thanks a lot! Class of 2009 up to bat! Here we go.....

I would just add that it also really depends on what kind of strong letters you can get from your home program. Obviously, if you are not getting any good ones, this would make it all the more important to do an away somewhere that will help you in this way.

But the best answer is that I would do one of each if you can.

P.S. I did an away at Mayo and agree that this would be a great option for you. The application for the rotation was a bit painful, I'd get started early. Feel free to PM me with any specific questions.
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The commonly accepted advice is to do 2 that is a reach (for LORs if nothing else) and one that is more in your range. Most places will offer you an interview if you rotate with them and work hard.

I did an away at NYU (program that I thought was in my range), and also b/c I was couples matching (i.e. good location to match pairs of programs).

They set the 4 week block up into 1 week rotations with different attendings. Thought this was a good way to do it b/c you get to meet different attendings and see different body sites. Also gives you a feel for the department as a whole. The bad part of this rotation was that I never got to meet the chair (she was apparently very busy, she only had clinic 1 day a week b/c of administrative duties/research/travel) and I couldn't engage the program director in much of a conversation either. My first week, I was essentially ignored by the attending and was reduced to shadowing. I did really enjoy working with two of their attendings (Dr. Sanfilipo and Dr. Addeo) who were probably two of the nicest/interested/interesting attendings that I've had the pleasure to work with. Definitely a range of attendings here. Seems like the two new attendings (one from Beumont and the other from ?Cornell) had a lot of positive energy but I didn't get to work with them. The residents were a fun and hard-working group...seemed like they hung out together outside of work. Seemed a little over-worked/stressed at times though. Stated "if you come here, you gotta be ready to work." Interpret that as you may.

That brings up the other good thing about away roatations, they let you know where you don't want to go either. Don't know if I got off-topic but I hope that helps.
as someone who matched at a place where I did an away, I wholeheartedly agree with the other posters. DO NOT underestimate the value of the away rotation for radonc. Its HUGE. as stated before, it can get one foot in the door for an interview or at least a LOR. Do at least one in addition to a rotation at your home program.

My experience:
I planned on doing 2 (one at a reach, and one at realistic); unfortunately, my schedule fell apart when I applied later than most applicants and was offered both aways in the same 4 week block (READ: apply NOW for externships!!!). I had to make the decision, and I went with the "realistic" option rather than the big gun. This was, in hindsight, a great decision as I loved the place and matched there.

Aways will usually help you, but can hurt you if you slack off or dont fit in with the residents/culture of the place.
Thanks to all who took the time to reply! That information is very helpful. I think everyone made strong points. Does anyone else have any experience with away rotations at UChicago, Pitt, Cleveland Clinic, or IU? I appreciate any comments. Thanks
It was years ago but i did radonc away at Mt Sinai (i chose this since i had worked there in surgery prior to med school, and it was near home, and it was at the suggestion of a doc there and the only reason i looked into radonc to begin with...). I was told point blank they didn't "need" an img so all it got my was my career choice!