
  1. H

    Equine Caseload

    Hello everyone. I've been working on narrowing down which schools I am going to apply to for next year's cycle. I'm having trouble finding much about the equine caseload at each school. I'm very interested in equine medicine, so this is a large part of my decision on which schools to apply to...
  2. USSNathanJames

    College Recommendations for aspiring Equine Vet

    I'm currently going into my senior year of high school and researching many colleges and universities. Honestly, I'm feeling quite lost and not sure what to really look for. I'm looking for a college in the NJ, NY, MD, PA, or DE area that has a good pre-vet program and others related to equine...
  3. awkequestrian

    Unhappy at summer internship

    Hi everyone! I could use some advice. Recently, I started working as a kennel tech in a vet clinic that does surgeries, and it is really fast paced and so far I haven't been a fan it. I've been working super long hours everyday, and it feels like I have no time for anything else. The clinic...
  4. mgp11001

    Purdue vs. Florida

    So I have been lucky enough to have gotten into both of these schools and everyday keep switching back and forth between the two schools! I am interested in Equine and I know both schools have great programs! In addition both schools are essentially the same cost (I am OOS at both) and in...
  5. ans14

    Equine Externship Recommendations

    Hi, I am a second year student looking to do an equine externship this summer. I live in Oklahoma so I am interested in staying anywhere sort of close to here. I am interested in lameness/sports medicine and alternative medicine aspects. If anyone has recommendations of programs that allow for...
  6. C

    How Much Does ACVIM Boarding Increase an Equine/LA Salary?

    Also, how competitive are these programs? Say I completed a ACVIM equine internal medicine residency. How much would this put me a step "above" the other candidates for say a partner practice? How much would this increase my mid-career and starting salary vs. just an equine internship?
  7. C

    Just Another Vet or Med School Question

    I love horses and poultry. They are my whole life. If I became a vet, I would specialize in equine internal medicine for sure and maybe avian/poultry general. I would love to spend my working life with them, but I also want horses, a couple dogs and chickens. Oh yeah, and a family ;). I just...