
  1. J

    Is this something I should mention?

    One of my parents went to med school at a school I'm applying to but had to transfer after MS2 year to a school closer to home for family reasons. He's talked to me about the unique location and patient population a ton. Would it be a red flag to say that this is a small part of a larger reason...
  2. C

    Do sibling legacies matter at top schools?

    I have an older brother that currently attends a top 5. I've been curious to know how much (if at all) my chances of getting an interview/acceptance to said school are affected by having an alumni sibling. This is assuming that my stats are within the median of said school. Is having a sibling...
  3. kmae

    Does legacy extend to grandparents and/or great grandparents?

    My paternal grandfather received his medical degree from West Virginia University and then was an attending/professor of radiology at the University of Virginia for about 40 years. He's retired now, but I think he's still a donor, though I'm not entirely certain. Also, both of my paternal...