
  1. C

    Need to pull my GPA up

    Hi everyone, So my freshman overall GPA is 3.37 and my sGPA is 3.1... I just finished my first semester of sophomore year and it should be somewhere around 3.5/3.5. My GPA goal is 3.7/3.7 and to get that I pretty much need As everywhere. What techniques do you use to manage that? I'm in...
  2. tequilamockingbird98

    NAVLE Grading Scale on Midterm Year One Veterinary Exam?

    Today, a day before my class's midterm, one of our professors showed us a grading scale, that has the lowest passing grade at 72%, and put the grades in terms of terms of letters. She said that the grades would not be entered as percentages, but rather the letter that correlated with a range of...