multiple mini interview questions

  1. ApplyPoint

    The Med School’s MMI Interview: Critical Thinking (and it's all critical thinking!)

    Critical thinking. Every question you’re asked in an MMI is going to require critical thinking and explaining your thought process. We’re simply adding this short selection of questions that obviously require critical thinking so that you can more consciously practice meeting those goals. A...
  2. LindaAccepted

    Medical The MMI: Everything You Need to Know (Updated for 2023-2024)

    The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) has become a very common med school interview format – one that is meant to provide a fairer, more comprehensive assessment of applicants. It began to grow in popularity after 2004, when Canada’s McMaster University published a study illustrating the flaws in...
  3. Cracking Med Admissions

    Medical NEW: 250 MMI Practice Questions!

    Hi Current Med School Applicants! How can you improve your Multiple Mini Interview skills so that you will receive a better interview score? Do lots of practice MMI questions! Applicants found our original 50 MMI practice questions extremely helpful. So, we added 200 more MMI questions on our...
  4. L

    Multiple mini interviews: what do the schools want to hear?

    One of the most frustrating aspects of the pharmacy school interview process is the MMI's it seems to be VERY AMBIGUOUS in terms of what they ask and the parameters within which one can answer them. So my question is this: what do they want to hear? Do they want us to answer the scenario within...
  5. ArdentMed

    MMI Interview Guide - Part 3: Advice for the Interview

    Part 3: General Advice for the Interview What should you always avoid during the interview? 1. Vague answers: When standing behind the door and waiting for the interviewer to call your name, you have approximately two minutes to prepare an answer. In that time, you should be thinking of...