
  1. Yazan A

    OMFS Residency Question

    Hey, I have a couple questions regarding OMFS residency. For the CBSE will any undergrad classes help me in it? Such as Immunology, etc. Another question is for externships. Most students apply via there D3 Year, and externships are only offered for D3 and D4 applicants. So how would I include...
  2. Saad Hayat

    CBSE 2022

    Hi, i am a foreign dental student. I’m curious to know if one can take CBSE exam for OMFS anywhere in the world where there is prometric center? Or do we have to come to the US to take CBSE? Thank you!
  3. Ebi.omfs

    Study in group for OMFS

    Dear OMFS residents and anyone who is interested in OMFS, I'm about to make a study group of people who wants to learn OMFS' textbooks, Article,... and asking questions and mentioning highlights and anything you think to be a great help to have a better society of OMFS in the future with lots of...
  4. Ebi.omfs

    OMFS Study Group

    Hi there, I was looking for a group of OMFS residents to plan and schedule for studying textbooks and transfer ideas, motive each other, etc. but I couldn't find any. So I decided to open this thread and ask all OMFS residents to come and participate. I would be really thankful for any joining in.