
  1. A

    Oncology/Urology Webinar

    ACRO: American College of Radiation Oncology Resident Committee Presents Low Dose Rate (LDR) Brachytherapy Thursday, September 6, 5:30 PT (8:30ET) Dr. Mack Roach (Radiation Oncology) and Dr. Katsuto Shinohara (Urology) Are you interested in Prostate brachytherapy? Don't get much LDR...
  2. A

    ACRO: RadOnc/Prostate cancer webinar with Dr. Mack Roach

    ACRO: American College of Radiation Oncology Resident Committee Presents Low Dose Rate (LDR) Brachytherapy Thursday, September 6, 5:30 PT (8:30ET) Dr. Mack Roach (Radiation Oncology) and Dr. Katsuto Shinohara (Urology) Are you interested in Prostate brachytherapy? Don't get much LDR...
  3. Polycherry

    Fate of prostatic urethra in TURP

    Trans urethral resection of prostate is a procedure for BHP where the urologist approaches the prostate through a catheter in the urethra and chips of pieces of the enlarged prostate. I am still MS2, so please correct me if wrong. My question is, while chipping off the prostate, the prostatic...
  4. Polycherry

    Fate of prostatic urethra in TURP

    Trans urethral resection of prostate is a procedure for BHP where the urologist approaches the prostate through a catheter in the urethra and chips of pieces of the enlarged prostate. I am still MS2, so please correct me if wrong. My question is, while chipping off the prostate, the prostatic...