
  1. TragicalDrFaust

    How will retaking Biochem II as a biochem major affect my chances?

    I'm a 2nd semester senior already planning on applying to mainly lower-tier and DO schools, pending my MCAT scores. I'm an ORM. I have a 3.67 as it stands. I'll have 600+ clinical hours as well as 200+ hospital and other volunteering by the time I apply. I'm currently looking for undergraduate...
  2. L

    B/B+ or First W and Retake Course for an A?

    So I have a 3.83 cGPA and a 3.87 sGPA. I'm currently in an analytical chem course to finish my chem minor however the professor is an extremely hard grader. The first few lab reports were not weighted heavily and were graded very lightly however, the last 5 are worth ~35% of the course grade...
  3. M

    Retaking Prerequisites? or Taking Advanced Science Courses?

    Hi, I am concerned with my prerequisite GPA as they are pretty low. Here are my stats (I plan on applying cycle of 2018) GPA => 3.26 but aim to be higher as I have one quarter left. cGPA now => 2.83 (with retaking classes => 3.3) (Bio I = C+, Chem II = C+) GRE = V 148 Q 157 Writing 4.0 (Plan to...