3.68/511 ORM Let me know thoughts, please!

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May 4, 2020
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Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my information and giving me some suggestions on a school list! I have been out of school for about 2 years now and finally going through with the 2024-2025 application cycle. Any advice or suggestions are appreciated and please let me know if you have any questions! I Definitley would love some help on creating a list of schools to apply to!
  1. cGPA and sGPA as calculated by AMCAS or AACOMAS: cGPA: 3.68 sGPA: 3.53
  2. MCAT score(s) and breakdown. Include all (non-voided) attempts.: 501-->506-->511
  3. State of residence or country of citizenship (if non-US): CT
  4. Ethnicity and/or race: ORM (White)
  5. Undergraduate institution or category: Quinnipiac University (B.S. Biomedical Sciences)
  6. Clinical experience (volunteer and non-volunteer)
    1. Volunteer EMT (2 different fire departments): ~100 hours
    2. Paid EMT (various towns/agencies): ~5,000 hours
  7. Research experience and productivity
    1. Research at my state school during undergrad: 410 hours studying prostate cancer (wet lab)
    2. Psychology Research at my undergrad institution: 100 hours
    3. Post graduate research at Yale school of medicine: 1708 hours
    4. Researcher at a biotech company (continuation of research at Yale as the PI became the CEO of the startup): 2500 hours
    5. 3 poster presentations and 1 pending publication (psychology)
  8. Shadowing experience and specialties represented
    1. 46 hours primary care
    2. 16 hours transplant surgery
    3. 20 hours internal medicine
  9. Non-clinical volunteering
    1. Volunteer tutor for two literature programs that targets underserved children (became a coordinator for one of them): 210 hours
    2. Volunteer tutor and then director of a language exchange program at my university that tutored English to students in a school in Nicaragua: 125 hours
    3. Volunteer little league baseball coach for kids 9-12 years old: 80 hours
    4. Global Shapers Community member (group that targets UN initiatives in their local communities including raising awareness of fentanyl, passing out masks to the unhoused last summer during the poor air quality alerts, teaching narcan, etc.): 50 hours
    5. Volunteer Crisis Text Line Counselor: 48 hours
  10. Other extracurricular activities (including athletics, military service, gap year activities, leadership, teaching, etc)
    1. Just 25 hours in BMS club at my university and 15 hours in the autism alliance club at my university
  11. Relevant honors or awards
    1. NA
  12. Anything else not listed you think might be important
    1. I graduated from university in 2022 so many of these very high hours are due to being out of school for 2 years and I worked full time while in school. Including working full time for 3.5 years as an EMT during the COVID pandemic while in school.

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I suggest these schools with your stats:
Penn State
George Washington
Virginia Commonwealth
Eastern Virginia
Wake Forest
Rosalind Franklin
Medical College Wisconsin
Oakland Beaumont
Wayne State
Alice Walton (when it opens)
Roseman (when it opens)
Also apply to DO schools and I suggest these:
Your non-clinical volunteering consists of a lot of tutoring/mentoring/teaching. Text line counseling is not as impressive as in-person counseling. Service orientation activity... I'll give you the Global Shapers Club, but that puts you at 24 hours. You need 150 hours of service orientation activities at submission to not be screened out from most schools, and I generally disregard activities with fewer than 50 hours (unless it's shadowing). Examples of such activities include food distribution, shelter volunteer, job/tax preparation, transportation services, or housing rehabilitation.
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@Mr.Smile12 Is the tutoring and mentoring not considered service activities? One of my tutoring was tutoring reading to elementary age students in my local community that struggled in school but can not afford additional academic help, another is tutoring English to students in third world country seeking to make education more accessible to those living in "poverty", and I am actively involved in my local police activity league (PAL)that targets the low income families by allowing their kids to place sports at no cost where I am a volunteer coach and leader in other activities
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Please read

Absolutely there is a service orientation in clinical activities and in teaching, but those are not unique activities among premeds. Otherwise, why don't you become a teacher or a nurse? Why not get a job in teaching because we really need great teachers with real service orientation(*)? We are in a nursing crisis too! Teaching expresses expertise in education and is an academic competency.

Now, I would include all the details you have noted. I credit you for working with underserved communities. I can only go by the screening rubrics I have worked with that reflect what the admissions committees value.

(*) For most, the answer is simple: it doesn't pay.
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