ADEA PASS Questions

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Full Member
Nov 13, 2022
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Im a little confused on how the letters of recommendation work. I was thinking when you send the evaluators link to your faculty, that is where they upload letters (for all your programs)? Is this not how letters work? If I want the letters to be sent to individual programs, I have to let my recommender know the programs to send the letter to? What if you don't have a finalized list of programs yet? What if you add/drop programs from your list? Do you have to keep asking the recommender to send it to them? Thanks

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Yes, PASS sends them a link to fill out, I think it’s a questionnaire about you and obviously where they also upload their letter. When they complete the evaluation on PASS, those letters will be submitted to all the programs you have added to your list only after you click apply and paid the fees

If you add another program after that and submit it again, then those letters will be sent to that one new program. The letters are part of the PASS application and stay there

Basically, you can add/drop programs however you want as long as you haven’t submitted your application yet and you dont need to keep asking them to re-do it.

If you want to remove a program after youve submitted your app then you have to contact that individual program to ask them to disregard your application.

There are programs that have their own individual portal with a similar link system and they may ask that your recommender send their letter directly to them again separately from PASS.

Hope this makes sense lol