Advanced MD EmR

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Jul 26, 2010
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I am thinking of using this as my EMR for pain mgt. Anyone else on here use it? Pros/cons?

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Is ecw better? What's pro/cons
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Look into Charm

Some of the others have ridiculous percentage of billings requirements. EMR should be a low fixed cost not a rising percentage beast that consumes as you grow.
It is by far the worst EMR I have ever used. Only good thing is it is cloud based so you don’t need Citrix or whatever to connect from home.
Why do you guys hate your EMR so much?

These days I'm using Epic and CPRS (VA). I find both to be nightmares.

Epic feels like it was designed for hospital administrators with ridiculous complexities that give zero concern for the doctor trying to input the data like a harried barista at an out-dated cash register.

CPRS at VA is a nightmare because you have to keep typing in the diagnosis and searching for it, even if it's on the pt's problem list. You might have to type "spondyl..", scroll down, click "more", and find "lumbar spondylosis without radiculopathy". And do this 4 TIMES for one visit because of each of your orders or consults. It's an abomination. If there were any level of AI, it would be laughing.
Prognocis is fine. It isn’t any worse that ecw and is cheaper from what I have read.

Way cheaper and no long term contract. That would by my choice if I could get my data without selling a kidney.
Way cheaper and no long term contract. That would by my choice if I could get my data without selling a kidney.
Have you had experience with it?

Talked to their people. Without practice met, about 399/month. Did you like it?
Way cheaper and no long term contract. That would by my choice if I could get my data without selling a kidney.

I have not used.
I talked several times to their people and liked what I heard. They always responded quickly and were totally transparent about fees, etc. Seems like a lot of bang for the buck.
Athena is very robust, has lots of great ability for customization, macros, tasks, etc. Cloud based. % of collections but may be worth it.