American Attending Pediatrician Working In Ireland?

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Nov 26, 2016
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Hi all,
I'm a U.S. trained pediatric attending physician and have been out of residency almost 6 years. I was considering relocating to Ireland and am confused by the Irish medical system. I'm not quite sure what the difference is between the basic specialist and higher specialist level is (is this like a residency vs. fellowship?). Would I qualify for consultant jobs with my experience or should I be looking at registrar jobs? Does anyone know how difficult it is to find a position in Ireland for someone with my training? I currently work as a peds hospitalist---does that position exist in Ireland, or is pediatrics primarily an outpatient field?


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You would be looking for a consultant position if they are hiring.. Not sure how easy it is to move. Peds is primarily inpatient if I'm correct in Ireland.
Hi all,
I'm a U.S. trained pediatric attending physician and have been out of residency almost 6 years. I was considering relocating to Ireland and am confused by the Irish medical system. I'm not quite sure what the difference is between the basic specialist and higher specialist level is (is this like a residency vs. fellowship?). Would I qualify for consultant jobs with my experience or should I be looking at registrar jobs? Does anyone know how difficult it is to find a position in Ireland for someone with my training? I currently work as a peds hospitalist---does that position exist in Ireland, or is pediatrics primarily an outpatient field?


I'll try to answer your questions as best as I can although hopefully someone a little more qualified answers your post. Residency follows a pretty typical path for all specialties: Intern --> SHO --> Reg / SPR --> Consultant. In Ireland, the Consultant is the only level that has their own panel of patients. A reg works under a specific consultant often for long periods of time seeing their patients. There isn't really fellowships in Ireland in the North American sense. If you work with a Consultant who's highly specialised that can function similar to a fellowship since you would be exposed to their experience. A large majority of Consultants actually do fellowships outside of Ireland to get the experience they need.

The pediatric hospitalists I worked with in Ireland also had an outpatient clinic that was either in the hospital or directly attached. I don't know if there are any exclusively inpatient or outpatient pediatricians. I hope some of this information helps.