AMGA Compensation Data

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Apr 19, 2016
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I'm in contract negotiation with a hospital group and the base salary they're offering me sounds low based on MGMA data. When I brought this up they said they base their pay on the median on AGMA. I guess AGMA more accurately represents larger organizations.

Does anyone have AGMA data for interventional pain? Ideally 2021 data.

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I'm in contract negotiation with a hospital group and the base salary they're offering me sounds low based on MGMA data. When I brought this up they said they base their pay on the median on AGMA. I guess AGMA more accurately represents larger organizations.

Does anyone have AGMA data for interventional pain? Ideally 2021 data.

So, do the larger organizations pay more?
"it sounds like you have some specific data that you're referring to. would you be opposed to sharing this with me?"

I'll see if I can find some AMGA stuff for you later - my network "blends" MGMA, AMGA, and Sullivan Cotter
The crappiest part of it all is the hospital systems will get paid more for the same things you would do in private practice. I would argue that MGMA is MORE likely to be hospital employed docs than private practice.

...I feel a song coming on...
I don't have AGMA, here is MGMA (older version)
For reference, here's good youtube video for understanding RVU models:

Hospitals in general should have larger base salaries.

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Don’t forget to get things like paid tail coverage for when you see the light and want to leave. Or, When SOS is thrown out and hospitals shed employed doctors (Russos wet dream??)
Extra cMe time and money.

One good thing that has went unmentioned that rvu values for things went up very slightly but the cms value per rvu has gone down from$36ish to $32ish.

Seems like a silly question/ask but Confirm what year they base their wrvu calculations on. You want 2021.
As a comparison I have a base of 475 and 65/unit over 7300 wrvus. I have additional comp though with metrics bonus and director fee for a real base of 540k. This is not at a rural location
400k base + 65/wRVU once you exceed your base quarterly.

MGMA median is 500k total comp, $78.88/wRVU, and median wRVUs generated annually is about 6500.

The guys in this group are doing about 8000-9000/wRVUs per year.

What general location is this?
As a comparison I have a base of 475 and 65/unit over 7300 wrvus. I have additional comp though with metrics bonus and director fee for a real base of 540k. This is not at a rural location

Are you the only pain doc there? Any help with call? Any inpatient?
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This is the same BS my current system played on me. Pick the information that justifies their retoric. Don’t take the BS. Negotiate off of what everyone else does, MGMA
FWIW, these are not the numbers that I am seeing. i doubt that these are true numbers in LA, SF, NYC, chicago, etc.
400k base + 65/wRVU once you exceed your base quarterly.

MGMA median is 500k total comp, $78.88/wRVU, and median wRVUs generated annually is about 6500.

The guys in this group are doing about 8000-9000/wRVUs per year.
The median wRVU is $78!? That's pretty high. And they're only offering you $65? That's a 100,00k difference when you get up to 8-9000 wRVUs.
Anyone have Sullivan and Cotter numbers?

It turns out my hospital system will be using a "blend" of "national recognized compensation surveys".... I have asked them what that means and waiting for a response but through the grapevine I've heard it is MGMA, AGMA, and Sullivan Cotter
Anyone have Sullivan and Cotter numbers?

It turns out my hospital system will be using a "blend" of "national recognized compensation surveys".... I have asked them what that means and waiting for a response but through the grapevine I've heard it is MGMA, AGMA, and Sullivan Cotter

what you have heard is correct
Anyone have Sullivan and Cotter numbers?

It turns out my hospital system will be using a "blend" of "national recognized compensation surveys".... I have asked them what that means and waiting for a response but through the grapevine I've heard it is MGMA, AGMA, and Sullivan Cotter
@gaspasser127 were you ever able to get that data?