Anesthesiology with no clinical rotation?

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Dr. Anonymouss

Anesthesiology Resident
5+ Year Member
Nov 12, 2018
Reaction score
So I am in my 3rd year of medical school at a mid tier MD school. I had every intention of doing anesthesiology for my elective in January (we get 1 elective during 3rd year), but I came to find out that it is already full during my elective time slot. I am really upset about the situation because I made up my mind a long time ago about this and come to find out that my school has very limited spots for this elective and I got the short end of the straw...

So I guess my question is what do I do from here? If I can't do anesthesiology during my 3rd year elective I suppose I will just do it during 4th year, but that doesn't give me a lot of time to network does it? What are your thoughts about what I should be doing in order to better position myself towards matching into anesthesiology given my situation.


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So I am in my 3rd year of medical school at a mid tier MD school. I had every intention of doing anesthesiology for my elective in January (we get 1 elective during 3rd year), but I came to find out that it is already full during my elective time slot. I am really upset about the situation because I made up my mind a long time ago about this and come to find out that my school has very limited spots for this elective and I got the short end of the straw...

So I guess my question is what do I do from here? If I can't do anesthesiology during my 3rd year elective I suppose I will just do it during 4th year, but that doesn't give me a lot of time to network does it? What are your thoughts about what I should be doing in order to better position myself towards matching into anesthesiology given my situation.

You’ll be fine if you do it nice and early 4th year.

Also ask your school what you’re paying them 60k/yr for if they can’t get you into the rotation you want to set up your future.
You’ll be fine if you do it nice and early 4th year.

Also ask your school what you’re paying them 60k/yr for if they can’t get you into the rotation you want to set up your future.
Thanks for the response. Glad to hear that doing it early 4th year won't hinder me. And yes, I am really livid about the situation.... Especially because there are EM people doing it just for the airway/intubation training meanwhile people like myself who actually want to pursue anesthesiology get left out.
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Thanks for the response. Glad to hear that doing it early 4th year won't hinder me. And yes, I am really livid about the situation.... Especially because there are EM people doing it just for the airway/intubation training meanwhile people like myself who actually want to pursue anesthesiology get left out.
This will prepare you for the many future times when you will be frustrated by EM colleagues.
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I didn't do an anesthesia rotation until early 4th year and didn't feel it was an issue. You can still network with the faculty at your med school and go to the ASA meeting etc.
I am glad to hear this considering it is my only option as of right now.
I didn't do an anesthesia rotation until early 4th year and didn't feel it was an issue. You can still network with the faculty at your med school and go to the ASA meeting etc.

Same. 3rd year was filled with core clerkships at our med school and no electives were offered until 4th year.
So I am in my 3rd year of medical school at a mid tier MD school. I had every intention of doing anesthesiology for my elective in January (we get 1 elective during 3rd year), but I came to find out that it is already full during my elective time slot. I am really upset about the situation because I made up my mind a long time ago about this and come to find out that my school has very limited spots for this elective and I got the short end of the straw...

So I guess my question is what do I do from here? If I can't do anesthesiology during my 3rd year elective I suppose I will just do it during 4th year, but that doesn't give me a lot of time to network does it? What are your thoughts about what I should be doing in order to better position myself towards matching into anesthesiology given my situation.

I was in the same boat as you. What did I do? I asked if I could come in my free time. Weekends. Holidays. They allowed it, and when they saw how motivated I was the chair wrote me an astounding recommendation as well. Sublimate your situation into a positive edge. 😉
I was in the same boat as you. What did I do? I asked if I could come in my free time. Weekends. Holidays. They allowed it, and when they saw how motivated I was the chair wrote me an astounding recommendation as well. Sublimate your situation into a positive edge. 😉
This would 100% work in your favor at my institution.
I was in the same boat as you. What did I do? I asked if I could come in my free time. Weekends. Holidays. They allowed it, and when they saw how motivated I was the chair wrote me an astounding recommendation as well. Sublimate your situation into a positive edge. 😉
I suppose you're right. That's the silver lining in this whole situation.