Ankle hurts more while sick

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Jul 20, 2010
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I wanted to get your thoughts on this. My friend sprained his ankle a couple of weeks ago. It has been recovering well with RICE. He states that he was starting to use it more and more without pain. Then about 2 weeks ago he got sick with the flu. He reports that while he was sick, his ankle started to throb and ache again, even while at rest. No increased use of his ankle or re-injury. This lasted about 5 days and as he has gotten better, his ankle has improved.
I thought it was curious and didn't have a good reason on why this occurred. Any thoughts?

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I know the US has been having a bit of a cold snap, so if your friend lives in a cold weather state that could be why, and the flu is probably just a coincidence.

It's also possible your friend is just crazy and wants attention. I see this phenomenon a lot. Either way, a steroid injection seems to help.
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