[Announcement] Johnson & Johnson/NMF AIM Scholarship

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Jan 21, 2009
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Established in 2021, Johnson & Johnson, has partnered with NMF to develop the Alliance for Inclusion in Medicine (AIM) program. AIM is an innovative, three-year service-learning program designed to expose high performing underrepresented MD, DO, and PharmD students to skill sets that will prepare them to become future clinician and research leaders with a commitment to address the structural and systemic factors, which cause the health disparities that disproportionately affect communities of color. The program will expose students to various functions within the pharmaceutical, medical devices, and health care industries where physicians play a key role. In addition, students will also gain exposure to topics such as public speaking, presentation skills, effective interviewing, innovation, etc., over the course of the program.

Applications for Cohort 3 will open June 17, 2024.

*Previously known as Johnson & Johnson/ NMF Future Leaders Scholarship Program

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