As a manuscript reviewer, disagreeing with another reviewer

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Still Kickin'
10+ Year Member
Jul 27, 2010
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I recently reviewed a manuscript. I just got to see the other reviews. I’m in strong contrast to one of the other reviewers. Frankly, I find what the other reviewer to be full of BS. It’s a bit of a controversial professional issues topic and a comment on another paper. I know it’s up to the authors to address those comments even if they end up disagreeing with the reviewer. It even seems like the editor didn’t highlight that reviewer’s comments.

But has anyone ever reached out to an editor to further support a manuscript or call out some BS from another reviewer (I assume no but even posting this is a nice outlet).

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I recently reviewed a manuscript. I just got to see the other reviews. I’m in strong contrast to one of the other reviewers. Frankly, I find what the other reviewer to be full of BS. It’s a bit of a controversial professional issues topic and a comment on another paper. I know it’s up to the authors to address those comments even if they end up disagreeing with the reviewer. It even seems like the editor didn’t highlight that reviewer’s comments.

But has anyone ever reached out to an editor to further support a manuscript or call out some BS from another reviewer (I assume no but even posting this is a nice outlet).

I haven't had a stark disagreement with another reviewer. Most often it's been another reviewer who may have like accept with minor revisions, while I believe that the manuscript needs major work before consideration. So, more based on the merits of the work, rather than outright disagreements on the subject.
I recently reviewed a manuscript. I just got to see the other reviews. I’m in strong contrast to one of the other reviewers. Frankly, I find what the other reviewer to be full of BS. It’s a bit of a controversial professional issues topic and a comment on another paper. I know it’s up to the authors to address those comments even if they end up disagreeing with the reviewer. It even seems like the editor didn’t highlight that reviewer’s comments.

But has anyone ever reached out to an editor to further support a manuscript or call out some BS from another reviewer (I assume no but even posting this is a nice outlet).
On one manuscript I submitted, one reviewer said that my manuscript was good, but that a single study of my kind wasn't sufficient for that journal and instead I should use it as a first study for a multi-study experimental paper. Another reviewer said that they don't accept that kind of experimental research in that journal and I should use it as the basis for a clinical research study.

The next issue of that journal published an article with a single experimental study.

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I haven’t found myself markedly disagreeing with another reviewer.
I have had my reviewers markedly disagree. It’s never occurred to me that one of them would do anything about that. The editor’s job is to clarify that kind of thing. Unfortunately I also have the experience that editors never do that….
I've disagreed with reviewers before, but unless it is something truly egregiously over-the-top-crazy that you don't think the editor would catch and would fundamentally alter the go/no-go decision, I would just leave it to the author and editor to make sense of things. BS reviews are sadly pretty normative.

i.e. If the paper got rejected because the other reviewer said "Genetics isn't real and depression isn't real" I'd say something, but if remotely on the spectrum of "Crazy **** people might still say in faculty meetings" I wouldn't do anything.