Baptist University vs KansasCOM vs LMUDCOM

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Full Member
May 2, 2024
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trying to weigh my options before putting in deposit. any help and feedback would be great. Both are OOS for me. KansasCOM is 10 hrs away driving and baptist is 8 hrs away. I dont know what i want to do but i dont want to limit myself, so which ever school will allow me to get a competitive residency. there might be a few more pros or cons but these are the ones i can remember right now. if anyone has anything to add please let me know.



  • still new but a bit older (oldest class is 3rd years now)
  • wichita cheaper to live
  • lectures not mandatory (this seems huge)
  • P/F

  • slight more expensive: 58k year
  • kinda of the middle of no where
  • rotations seem weaker
  • board pass rate 74%



  • the school is in the medical district, surrounded by hospitals
  • Clinical hasn’t happened yet, but the sites look very promising
  • connected to Baptist health systems which has their own residency
  • may have more opportunities for clinical research
  • I think I might prefer Memphis over wichita
  • affiliated residencys in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, OB/GYN, Radiology, and General Surgery.
  • slight cheaper (52K year)

  • mandatory lectures
  • graded (no P/F)
  • new school with no scores or match list, inaugural class was last year so ill be second year.

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i think the P/F is hue as well as non-mandatory lectures. although BUCOM is not totally mandatory from what i've heard. although kansasCOM does have board pass rates since they're a few years newer, their numbers aren't great. their strength basically lies in the P/F imo. BUCOM's massive strength is the rotations and affiliated hospitals. that's massive for any school, let alone a DO. their weakness is graded curriculum, and no boards data.
i am OOS for all 3. each is about 9 hours from my place.

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Just here to write my obligatory “LMU is a post apocalyptic hellscape” post. Carry one. Don’t attend that med school
thanks. do you attend there? also for anyone reading this post please rank the 3 schools from best to worst
Just here to write my obligatory “LMU is a post apocalyptic hellscape” post. Carry one. Don’t attend that med schoo