Best cornea fellowships?

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Dec 15, 2006
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I'm starting to work on my application for a Cornea fellowship. Mostly interested in places with strong surgical experience in PKP, DSEK, Corneal prosthesis, ocular surface reconstruction, complicated cataract. Strong anterior segment uveitis training also.
There is lots of info for retina fellowships in this forum, do you guys have any input on good cornea or uveitis fellowships??
I would really appreciate your opinion, thanks!

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Utah (Moran) is very strong surgically. The fellows do PRK, Lasik, cataracts, DSEK, PKP, KPRO... I believe Moshifar is also Uveitis trained and you spend half the year with him.
Thanks for the info
One of my cornea attendings did her cornea fellowship there and she is VERY GOOD, but it was a few years ago so its good to know that continues to be a strong place
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Utah, UC Davis, and that program in Minnesota are all suppose to be tops for cornea (this is what I heard across the country during interview season).
How about the Univ of Missouri cornea program?

Any comments?
Utah, UC Davis, and that program in Minnesota are all suppose to be tops for cornea (this is what I heard across the country during interview season).

Be careful commenting on programs you do not have personal experience with...that's how rumor's are started.