Best Medical Schools for Global Health

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7+ Year Member
Jun 9, 2014
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I'm strongly interested in this field, and I'm looking for schools that feature the following:
variety of international rotations
global health tracks or concentrations
attached schools of public health that are strong in GH
faculty doing significant international work

The schools I'm aware of:

Anywhere else come to mind for you all?

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Cornell has a large global health initiative
Also the MSIH Medical School for International Health which was originally was a collaborative effort of Ben-Gurion and Columbia P&S, though I wouldnt recommend that as a primary medical school. I dont know how much is still done with Columbia

PS: actually a quick look at this new thing called GOOGLE showed many including

A lot of med schools have the words "global health" on their web pages as buzzwords, but aren't actually committed to it in any real way. I was looking moreso for schools generally regarded as being strong in this area 🙂
Medical College of Wisconsin has a global health track.

Wright State has an MD/MPH in Global Health program. According to MSAR, 47% of their graduating seniors have been involved in a Global Health project (but this is self-reported, so beware).

Georgetown and George Washington are both known supporters of Global Health and offer an MD/MPH in Global Health to students. I believe Georgetown's MPH stuff is through Johns Hopkins. George Washington reports that 40% of their graduates have had a Global Health experience (again, take this with a grain of salt).
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I would love to know more about this and if experience in other countries make you stand out. I lived in Mozambique for a couple of years and volunteered throughout the country. I also will be going with baylors college of medicine to Botswana this summer as an undergrad even though I'm not from Texas. Will these help me stand out as an applicant at these schools that advocate for global health?

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Penn paid for my airfare and housing abroad twice during med school. Once to South America, and the other time to Botswana, which is our flagship global health program. Botswana was probably one of the most amazing medical experiences I had in med school. Harvard, Baylor and Penn all have partnerships with the main hospital in Bots, and there are tons of other schools that have other partnerships with various countries as well. I would say that while established global health opportunities are great to have at some schools, as long as which ever med school you go to has the support and funding to send you abroad, it doesn't matter that much where you go. There are tons of abroad opportunities that are independent from schools and can be done as electives where ever you come from.
Schools with strong public health schools with global emphasis will have many global health opportunities, even outside of the curriculum.

Harvard and Hopkins are probably the strongest from a global health research and name recognition standpoint. This matters more than you think -- in international settings, coming from a school that people have heard of opens doors and makes people more willing to work with you. Yale and Stanford are also pretty up there with global name recognition.

University of Washington, UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke, Penn, Cornell, and Columbia also are known for strong global health programs and research, though global name recognition might be smaller.