Burn Out & Moral Injury in Pain Medicine?

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Nov 21, 1998
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Have you experienced moral injuries as a pain specialist?

"Dean said she and Talbot have given two dozen talks on moral injury. “The response from each place has been consistent and surprising: ‘This is the language we’ve been looking for for the last 20 years.'” Dean said that response has come from clinicians across disciplines, who wrestle with what they consider barriers to quality care: insurance preauthorization, trouble making patient referrals, endless clicking on electronic health records. "

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//“If you did more yoga, if you ate more salmon salad, if you went for a longer run, it would help.”// ROTFL. Would add more money, more meditation, more free movie tickets, "understanding the big picture" and my favorite, a better "mission statement".
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yeah it'd help too if they'd quit ram rodding my press ganey scores down my throat every week. They actually put up a bulletin board in my office and have the staff pin up my weekly scores! Talk about moral injury...I want to rip the thing off the wall
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Haven’t done press ganey in years.

Had 8 consecutive months as > 95%. First clinic in system to do so. Got breakfast for staff, couple of lunches, a huge houseplant, giant stuffed bear, several plaques...

Then one day they up and said “you aren’t going to do them any more for your clinic. We ran out of gifts”.
That was that...
yeah it'd help too if they'd quit ram rodding my press ganey scores down my throat every week. They actually put up a bulletin board in my office and have the staff pin up my weekly press ganey's! Talk about moral injury...I want to rip the thing off the wall
Management was doing this in our hallway, next to the patient rooms on a bulletin board. I took it down.
We don't get offices. In all exam rooms, they recently bolted computer monitor/keyboard stations to the wall that are not adjustable AT ALL. The brand is called "ergotron". We can adjust the seat height and that's it. They are incredibly uncomfortable to use. No one is responding to our complaints. It's really demoralizing.