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Calculus vs Calculus for Life Sciences

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Aug 20, 2010
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Hi everyone! I've been a prowler on the forum for a while which either makes me neurotic or laugh depending on the day.

I have a quick question. I'm getting a degree in Biology as a non-trad student with an upward trend in science and math courses. My degree offers the option of either taking Calculus I or taking Calculus for life sciences.

Now most Med schools that require calculus do not specifiy which calculus they desire, so I'm wondering what the difference is and if I should take one over the other.

Thanks for your help!:luck:

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research the two profs (and not just on ratemyprofessor), choose the better one.
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Calculus (general, also called "Calculus with Analytical Geometry") is generally geared towards math/engineering/physical science students.

Calculus (sciences, also called "Calculus for Biology and Medicine") is geared towards life science majors. As the names states, it implements areas of life sciences to make understanding concepts easier.

Life Science Calculus is generally much easier than Analytical Geometry Calculus.

Most medical schools do not require one of the other. However, if you plan on getting a PhD or Masters, you should consider Calculus with Analytical Geometry over Calculus with Life Sciences.