Clinical Informatics Fellowship

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7+ Year Member
Apr 2, 2016
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I am having a difficult time deciding if doing a clinical informatics fellowship is right for me. My goal is to transition to a mostly or completely non-clinical role, ideally in industry. Potential topics of interest include data analytics and AI. What types of roles are realistic coming out of a fellowship? Is the fellowship a good pathway to pursue these interests?

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I would recommend going into whatever clinical area interests you first, which will help you figure out what your actual area of interest and goals in informatics will be. Then do an informatics fellowship (vs something else) if it will help you accomplish those goals.

Saying you're interested in "data analytics and AI" at this point is the equivalent of the pre-med saying "I like science and helping people".
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You need to find a mentor ASAP who does industry clinical trials. Get on studies as a Co-I and see how that works. Your doctor skills are of minimal to no use in the tech industry--those bros already know how to fix everything and aren't interested in your input. Pharma>Consulting are the nonclinical offramps for physicians where you actually use your medical background.

You probably know this but you are going to make absolute crap compared to clinical medicine. Like 1/4-1/10th of what youd make as a physician depending on the field you skipped out on.
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