Cover Letters for sites?

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Ph.D Candidate in Clinical Psychology
Mar 14, 2024
Reaction score
Hi Everyone!

As internship application seasons starts to ramp up, I wanted to run a couple questions by those of you on the site who have been through the process or are on the other side of the process reviewing applications. A few sites I'm applying to do not explicitly ask for a cover letter. One site states in their materials that they only want a "completed APPIC Application for Psychology Internship."

First, I wanted to ask, is there a consensus for what a "completed APPIC application is? To my understanding that's just filling in the information in the APPIC portal. But I wanted to be sure that some sites won't mean "completed" to include CV, LoR, Cover letter.

Second, for site who don't explicitly ask for a cover letter, should I omit? On one hand, and likely the bigger more important hand, it shows that I read the application materials carefully and gives me less room for error in terms of writing it, but on the other hand, I do enjoy the opportunity to speak about why the site is a good fit for me. Which I suppose I could also do on interview if invited.

Thank you!

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Edit: I'm locking this thread because I did just see that in order to complete an application through AAPI, required dos are cover letter, cv, and essays. Going to get some much needed rest. 😉😉
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