Current OS resident needing help

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Jul 11, 2024
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Looking for someone's input that is either on the admin side of residency or has gone through the transfer process. Very unfamiliar with navgiating the transfer process and could really use the advice. Please DM me only.

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i only know 1 who did it.

happens often in medicine. idk if omfs residents routinely do this? they should since we are theoretically gme funded.
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It is possible but I am just unfamiliar with the process.
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Not easy to do.

Plenty of people have rough experiences as a OS resident. Programs can be very toxic. My advice- just keep your mouth shut and take the abuse. Next year they’ll probably find someone else to pick on.

You’re not the first and won’t be the last who gets abused. Life aint always fair. But just remember there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Looking for someone's input that is either on the admin side of residency or has gone through the transfer process. Very unfamiliar with navgiating the transfer process and could really use the advice. Please DM me only.
Difficult process but not impossible. It really depends on PGY year as well. As you can imagine, statistically, the farther along in a program the more the chance for residents to drop out. have issues, remediate, etc. So as a first start I would watch the SDN boards as well as looks at program websites. If you see a program that has 4 residents per year but your year they only have three. That program probably has an opening for whatever reason. Yhen email the PD and inquire about an open position.

Keep working and doing your best at the place your are at. The transfer process will be easier if you are in good standing at your current program.

I think there needs to be a better process in teh OMS field for transfers but it should not be easy to do. Then every resident who has a bad day will start looking at other programs. There needs to be a balance between ability to transfer and ability to stick it out and succeed at your program.
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I know some residents who transferred. Why would you like to transfer?
Anyone know of any potential spot openings?