CVS Interviews / Job Offers for 2014 grads

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Mar 11, 2009
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So, recently filled out the form regarding location preference for CVS. Have worked for them for 2 + years. Has anyone heard about interviews being offered as of yet?

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I was offered an interview and will be interviewing with them next week.
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Congratulations! I have not heard any of my classmates, who work for the same chain and pharmacy supervisor mention interviews yet, so I think he is running a bit behind. Hoping to get the call / email any day now. Need something positive to look forward to to pull me out of the doldrums of provIding massive amounts of free labor during my current rotation. Can I ask what state you are in?
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I also interviewed 2 days ago. They said they will get back to us before October
Hey Pharmgrlnxdor, I'm from Louisiana. I was surprised to get an interview so early, I was expecting more toward October/November-ish. May seems so far away, I'm also sick of all this free labor haha. The intern coordinator should contact you, and interview will be done with the DM. Hopefully you will hear something soon!

zidane85, if you don't mind me asking, how was the interview process? What kind of questions did they ask you?
The interview was 1 hour divided into two 30 min sections. 30 mins in 1 room with 2 DMs then another 30 with 2 different DMs. Prepare and know your metrics well 🙂
My interview was in July, with offers expected in Oct. The format is very RxSup specific.