DAT retake - 19AA to 22AA!!

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Nov 24, 2010
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Almost exactly one year ago I took the dat with what I thought was a reasonable amount of prep of 6ish weeks of BC, destroyer, cliffs, etc. I was disappointed with my scores of bio/gc/oc/rc/qr/Pat 20/19/15/23/18/20 but I applied to my 3 top schools anyway despite the shockingly low oc score. After I was only waitlisted last cycle, I started to prepare to retake the test at the middle of May using basically the same materials.

This time around definitely seemed to cement more but there was still a lot of worry leading up to it. I focused on the sciences, with minimal PAT prep and almost no QR prep. Last night I took a BC QR with a score of 17 and had taken a BC PAT earlier this week with a score of 19 but figured I was prepared enough as long as I kept drilling the sciences. I was consistently getting 19-20s on bio, gc, and orgo on BC and qvualt bio but not any higher except for one 23 oc practice test last night.

Anyway, I just got out and couldn't be happier with my scores!
21 bio, 21 gc, 26 (!!!) oc, 21 pat, 21 RC, 20 qr

During the test I felt pretty good, but certainly not expecting a 26 in orgo. I'll post a more detailed breakdown later but am so ecstatic with my scores! Sdn was a huge help with my prep so super happy it paid off!

Graduated with my bachelors in 2015 with a degree in Biotech - pretty heavy bio/chem background but hadn't taken GC/orgo since 2011-2012. Although I took the DAT a year ago, I started studying this time around from scratch essentially. A lot of it was repetitive however as I had already watched all of Chad's videos, read Cliff's bio/Feralis notes, and done the first 4 practice tests of BC (very happy there were 6 new tests on each science section so I started with those as I hadn't seen any of the questions yet) I studied from the end of May until the second week of July but had plenty of days/weekends off (probably more than I should have, haha). I was working about 20 hours a week and went away for the 4th of July weekend/random days away so on average spent about 6 hours, 5 days/week studying.

Biology: (20 Qvualt/BC average; 21 on 2017 DAT; 20 2016 DAT)

Prep: Ferali's notes were essentially the main source of my studying. I spent about 2 weeks retyping and condensing his notes into a ~25 page document. Read through Cliff's for clarification. After I did that, I started taking practice BC tests starting from test 10 and working my way to test 1. When I would get bored with BC, I would also take Qvualt bio tests. For every wrong question (or a question that I got right, but sort of guessed on/didn't know anything about the other question options) I would google up information on it/watch youtube videos on any processes related to it then fill out my Ferali document with any supplemental information/make a flash card of it. Also the last week I did about 100 bio destroyer questions. Any time a question popped up that I wasn't clear on, even if I could get the right answer, I would research more information on that topic. The first 4 weeks were essentially assembling the information, and the last 2 weeks were taking many practice tests and studying every single wrong question. I started out with 19s on my practice tests, and ended with 20/21s and a few 22s the last three days before the test.
Ferali's/Cliffs are perfect for a general bio outline, BC/Qvualt were great for practice and for highlighting weak areas, destroyer was good for random facts. Youtube is your friend!

Test: The bio section basically felt just like any other Qvualt/BC test with perhaps a few more easier questions. I was quite happy with my bio score because it really could go either way since there are so many possible questions on it. There were maybe 3-5 questions that I wasn't completely confident in my answer but taxonomy was pretty light thankfully and were mostly general knowledge focused.

GC/OC: (20 BC average; 21/26 on 2017 DAT; 19/15 on 2016 DAT)

I first spent about 2 weeks watching all of Chad's videos for a second time. I didn't do any of his questions, but then spent the next 2 weeks or so doing all of BC Mike's quizzes and associated answer videos and only a few of the regular videos on reactions or calculations I had difficulty with. I then did about 150 Destroyer questions and made up flash cards of important formulas and OC reactions. I actually did really well in orgo during my undergrad, so I do think my 15 oc score last year was some strange fluke. The DAT just asks different questions than a what a college course focuses on I guess so I adjusted accordingly this time around for studying by truly understanding most acidic Hs on a molecule, correct intermediates, nomenclature, etc.

Test: GC was an easy section, definitely easier than any BC test so I'm honestly surprised I didn't get a higher score - it may be scaled differently because of the easiness. Simple calculations and I never once wished I had a calculator as anything more complicated than 0.1*0.1 dilutions was answered just as an equation structure with no math needed.
OC was also easier than any BC test and actually had an almost identical Destroyer question that I recognized. (Know your Dieckmann condensation product because the only place I've seen it referenced in my studies was in destroyer!) I probably got 2 questions wrong which earned me the 26 score which I'm very happy with after a 15 last time! Know which reactions are syn/anti addition as I had several questions with varied stereo configuration product options and felt like I must have had some lucky guesses.

PAT: (2 BC tests - 19 & 17, last year I studied more for the PAT and was consistently getting 19-20s; 21 on 2017 DAT; 20 on 2016 DAT)

Did some BC generators with angles and hole punching as they were my weakest areas. Took one practice BC a few weeks ago and got a 19, took another practice test a few days before my test and got a 17. Basically didn't do anymore than that as I was more concerned about the sciences.

Test: It was basically the same as BC with angles slightly easier. Some of the hole punches were pretty complicated (my least favorite type of question), but the keyholes/TFE/cube counting were fun and straightforward. I'm super happy with this score because I really didn't study for this section! I definitely feel like it's one section where once you "get" it, you won't lose your skills on it.

RC: (One 21 BC test; 21 on 2017 DAT; 23 on 2016 DAT)
I'm a very good reader and had many other things to worry than reading so did zero prep other than the one practice test.

Test: This is the score I'm most disappointed on as I know I have the potential to get in the mid 20s for it. Not really sure how many I got wrong but I felt decent on it as I was doing it although I was going slightly crossed eyed after staring a computer screen for 3 hours at that point. Wish I had gotten another 23 like last time, but at least a 21 isn't a horrible score.

QR: (One 17 BC test; 20 on 2017 DAT; 18 on 2016 DAT)

I generally dislike math and hadn't taken math like this since high school as I only took calc during college. I was dreading this section, but comforted myself with the fact that I did pretty decently last year with not a ton of prep either, and that it's the least important section. Did a little BC math and definitely appreciated that they had a good selection of questions in the new QR style.

Test: Honestly, I probably did better this time because they changed this section to have these new types of GRE-esque questions. I'm pretty good at estimating answers and figuring out those types of word problems so very happy I had a good portion of those questions. I can't remember having any annoying trig question which was also very nice!

Summary: Bootcamp is a MUST! It's amazing and incredibly useful for identifying weak areas and cementing core knowledge. I believe all subjects in Bootcamp/Qvualt bio have slightly harder questions and definitely a more strict scoring scale. Destroyer is a must for GC/OC questions as the more you do it, the easier and quicker it will be on the test. I didn't even finish halfway through the questions, but they still were a big help.

Overall, quite satisfied with my scores and hope it's enough to get into Tufts/BU/UNE as those are my top choices!

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WOW!!! What a HUGE jump in orgo!! Looking forward to your breakdown! Congrats on your scores!!! Definitely should get plenty of interviews and hopefully an acceptance this cycle!!
Yay! Congrats! How similar was it to bootcamp practice exams? Easier or harder? More conceptual or math for chem and orgo?
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Almost exactly one year ago I took the dat with what I thought was a reasonable amount of prep of 6ish weeks of BC, destroyer, cliffs, etc. I was disappointed with my scores of bio/gc/oc/rc/qr/Pat 20/19/15/23/18/20 but I applied to my 3 top schools anyway despite the shockingly low oc score. After I was only waitlisted last cycle, I started to prepare to retake the test at the middle of May using basically the same materials.

This time around definitely seemed to cement more but there was still a lot of worry leading up to it. I focused on the sciences, with minimal PAT prep and almost no QR prep. Last night I took a BC QR with a score of 17 and had taken a BC PAT earlier this week with a score of 19 but figured I was prepared enough as long as I kept drilling the sciences. I was consistently getting 19-20s on bio, gc, and orgo on BC and qvualt bio but not any higher except for one 23 oc practice test last night.

Anyway, I just got out and couldn't be happier with my scores!
21 bio, 21 gc, 26 (!!!) oc, 21 pat, 21 RC, 20 qr

During the test I felt pretty good, but certainly not expecting a 26 in orgo. I'lView attachment 221413 l post a more detailed breakdown later but am so ecstatic with my scores! Sdn was a huge help with my prep so super happy it paid off!
WOW, a major congratulations!!! I can only imagine how ecstatic you are! Go celebrate, the DAT is behind you so go enjoy yourself..You deserve it after all the hard work.

It is rare to see an 11 point jump in a score, but this tells me you really worked for it.

Congratulations again.

Dr. Romano and Nancy