Board Exams Dec Part 2: Discount Group: 50% off Beat the Boards & Pass the Machine

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2+ Year Member
Jan 12, 2023
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Hi! I've been asked to start another group for Beat the Boards and Pass the Machine 50% discount ($648.50 discount). We will need to reach 50 enrollments for the full 50% off discount. We can start enrollment when we are at 70-75 to better ensure that 50 are enrolled for the full discount. We are already at 38 in our group 🙂

  • Sign up:
  • Who this is for:
    • Those taking boards in the next few years. The start of the one-year program can be delayed. Often, trainees who know they are specializing will purchase two programs at once to lock in a good price (first-year Child and Adolescent Psychiatry fellows often purchase the programs for adult boards as well as child boards at the same time).
    • The discount applies for any of the specialties and sub-specialties listed on Pass-Guaranteed Board Review | American Physician Institute qualify including the following:

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  • Triple Trust Guarantee: The Triple Trust Guarantee is how American Physician Institute (API) demonstrates confidence in your exam success when you have properly prepared. Further, API offers tools that support your preparation, like the EXACT Exam Prep Accelerator. You can also learn very valuable test-taking strategies in our Exam Blog.Given the above, the Triple Trust Guarantee includes a course content consumption requirement. So, when you purchase an API Board Review Course that includes a Triple Trust Guarantee, you will receive the following benefits should you fail your exam:
    1. 100% Money Back (of your paid tuition)
    2. Additional 10%
    3. Free Subscription Renewal