Decent Step 1 Score for Peds in California

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Jun 7, 2008
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Just wondering what kind of step1 scores will keep doors open for a decent pediatric residency in California.

(i know there is a ton more to a residency app than my step 1...just wondering the ball park)


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Really? This is the question that the infinite wisdom of SDN can't answer? Anyone?
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Just wondering what kind of step1 scores will keep doors open for a decent pediatric residency in California.

(i know there is a ton more to a residency app than my step 1...just wondering the ball park)


I think your question is waaay to vague to get a meaningful answer.

Areas of Cali vary do the range of quality of programs. I'm sure there's some where a 200 would get you in. I'm sure there's others that a 230 would have your application trashed instantly.

It's probably best you somehow get in contact with residents or maybe even program directors at places you're interested in. Here in Philly, CHOP (obviously supposed to be the best around for peds, see here is rumored to average in the 240's. I'd expect the top peds programs on the west coast to be similar.
Just wondering what kind of step1 scores will keep doors open for a decent pediatric residency in California.

(i know there is a ton more to a residency app than my step 1...just wondering the ball park)


It's anecdotal but one of my good friends impressed a PD at a good academic place with a score in the 240s. I'd guess a 230+ will make sure no doors close b/c of your Step 1
Really? This is the question that the infinite wisdom of SDN can't answer? Anyone?

The raange would be pretty wide. Are you thinking san francisco or more like Fresno. Those are two very different places both in terms of what it takes to get in and type of lifestyle to expect.
Cant help you with California but best I can tell only 33 US seniors failed to match into peds, so yeah.
It's anecdotal but one of my good friends impressed a PD at a good academic place with a score in the 240s. I'd guess a 230+ will make sure no doors close b/c of your Step 1

Dude, come's peds, not ortho.
Dude, come's peds, not ortho.

Wasn't trying to make it seem like ortho. Don't know enough about peds but another poster said the avg at CHOP is rumored to be in the 240's. If that's the case it's not unreasonable to think a 220 might prevent one from getting an IV at some of the top places.

All I was saying is that a 230 or higher should make one safe to get an IV anywhere in peds if the rest of the app is in order. That's def not the case in ortho
You can probably figure it out from the NRMP statistics.

thanks for the info; I hadn't seen this document...just the page with the average step 1 scores for each speciality.

I think your question is waaay to vague to get a meaningful answer.

Here in Philly, CHOP (obviously supposed to be the best around for peds, see here is rumored to average in the 240's. I'd expect the top peds programs on the west coast to be similar.

I know its way vague...but 3 'a' waaay vague? geez...a bit harsh, no?

Thanks for making sure to footnote that statement about CHOP...I would have been skeptical without the reference. Obviously.

The raange would be pretty wide. Are you thinking san francisco or more like Fresno. Those are two very different places both in terms of what it takes to get in and type of lifestyle to expect.

I don't need the top program. I don't care for prestige, I care more about a decent education w/o losing the human aspect of the job.

In general, right now (with step 1 coming up soon) I just don't have time to look deeper into specific programs and locations. So I'll just aim higher than I might need to get me into Cali.

Cant help you with California but best I can tell only 33 US seniors failed to match into peds, so yeah.

Always good to know, haha. If i end up in North Dakota I can always go checking random highways for money stashes on my hours off.

I would imagine a >220 will get you majority of IV except of SF, CHOP, Children's, etc.

After these responses and talking with some seniors at my school I think I am going to shoot for a 230 or above...that should keep doors open.

If anyone has more input, any info or personal anecdotes are appreciated.
thanks for the info; I hadn't seen this document...just the page with the average step 1 scores for each speciality.

I know its way vague...but 3 'a' waaay vague? geez...a bit harsh, no?

Thanks for making sure to footnote that statement about CHOP...I would have been skeptical without the reference. Obviously.

I don't need the top program. I don't care for prestige, I care more about a decent education w/o losing the human aspect of the job.

In general, right now (with step 1 coming up soon) I just don't have time to look deeper into specific programs and locations. So I'll just aim higher than I might need to get me into Cali.

Always good to know, haha. If i end up in North Dakota I can always go checking random highways for money stashes on my hours off.

After these responses and talking with some seniors at my school I think I am going to shoot for a 230 or above...that should keep doors open.

If anyone has more input, any info or personal anecdotes are appreciated.

Way to be a douche :thumbup:
This thread is about as depressing as the "Denied Californians" thread on the pre-allo boards.

The whole state's been in a downward spiral since the budget cuts started happening almost a decade ago.
A shame, considering I left my heart in san francisco...
Waaay to be a douche :thumbup:

;) juuust for you.

This thread is about as depressing as the "Denied Californians" thread on the pre-allo boards.

The whole state's been in a downward spiral since the budget cuts started happening almost a decade ago.
A shame, considering I left my heart in san francisco...

Out of all the states that I have spent enough time in to tell whether I would enjoy living there, California (economically ruined or not) is still the only one I can picture living in for the rest of my life, raising a family, and retiring in. I'm not an original californian but the state has a draw to it that I've given up on trying to resist. And since I grew up in one of those damned socialist/communist countries I won't mind the 50% income tax that it will take to close the deficit, haha.

Someone asking what step 1 score will land them a residency there reminded you of that?

MS-4 here that just matched (don't know where yet) in neurosurg. Even places like UCSF will interview folks with 220s if they've got other stuff going (e.g., solid first author publications, well-known scholarships/awards, standout performance on sub-Is and away rotations, strong letters from big whigs.) Don't discount yourself just based on your Step I score-- it's just one score that assessed your performance on a particular day. If you want it badly enough, it's possible. Just line all your other ducks up perfectly!
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the most recent PD survey i saw put Step 1 waaaaay down the list for what they like to see. I think they said they paid more attention to Step 2!
Which survey is this?

This is the most recent one I know about -

hmmm.... i was thinking of this one, in which they showed a significant difference between weight placed on Step 1 and Step 2. i guess i'd be pretty surprised if the difference in the NRMP survey between 4.0 and 4.1 turned out to be statistically valid, especially when you consider that in the 2008 survey, the relationship was reversed (ie, they came up with marginally more importance attached to Step 2)

regardless, i think it's safe to say that peds is one of the most Step 1 independent selection processes out there. there's more demand for Cali slots because of people's personal preferences, but yeah, i won't think it to be a big deal for the OP.
I knew a resident who is at my institution that transferred from a top peds program on the east coast, she had just under 200 on step, but had interviewed at chop, rainbow babies, duke, and other top programs, she was Aoa with a 240 ck